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London dekochari

15 Feb 2010

A dazzling dekochari art bike has been spotted on the streets of East London.

+ Video

Built in a mere five weeks by London resident Charlie Hope and friends, this dekochari features a flashy light display and a body of precision-cut aluminum sheeting that has been hand-folded and riveted to a steel frame.

The music in the video is "Ichiban-boshi Blues" (vocals by Bunta Sugawara and Kinya Aikawa), the theme song from the Torakku Yarou movie series that sparked Japan's dekotora art truck craze in the '70s, which in turn inspired the dekochari phenomenon.

[See also: Dekochari art bikes (video)]

Vintage Japanese industrial expo posters

11 Feb 2010

Here is a collection of posters from various expositions held in Japan in the 1920s to 1940s.

Vintage Japanese industrial exhibition poster --
National Industrial Exhibition - Himeji, 1926 [+]

Vintage Japanese industrial exhibition poster --
National Products Progress Exhibition - Sapporo, 1926 [+]

Vintage Japanese industrial exhibition poster --
Grand Exposition in Commemoration of the Imperial Coronation - Kyoto, 1928 [+]

Vintage Japanese industrial exhibition poster --
Sea and Air Exhibition - Tokyo, 1930 [+]

Vintage Japanese industrial exhibition poster --
Sea and Air Exhibition - Tokyo, 1930 [+]

Vintage Japanese industrial exhibition poster --
The National Products Progress Exhibition - Kagoshima, 1931 [+]

Vintage Japanese industrial exhibition poster --
National Horse Exhibition - Osaka, 1933 [+]

Vintage Japanese industrial exhibition poster --
Tourism Industry Exhibition - Nara, 1933 [+]

Vintage Japanese industrial exhibition poster --
Yokohama Exposition - Yokohama, 1935 [+]

Vintage Japanese industrial exhibition poster --
National Exposition - Iga-Ueno, 1935 [+]

Vintage Japanese industrial exhibition poster --
National Defense and Resources Exposition - Himeji, 1936 [+]

Vintage Japanese industrial exhibition poster --
National Defense and Resources Exposition - Himeji, 1936

Vintage Japanese industrial exhibition poster --
National Defense and Resources Exposition - Himeji, 1936

Vintage Japanese industrial exhibition poster --
Exposition Commemorating Hakata Port Construction - Fukuoka, 1936 [+]

Vintage Japanese industrial exhibition poster --
Exposition Commemorating the Construction of Hakata Port - Fukuoka, 1936 [+]

Vintage Japanese industrial exhibition poster --
Japan-Manchuria Industrial Exhibition - Toyama, 1936 [+]

Vintage Japanese industrial exhibition poster --
Nagoya Pan-Pacific Peace Exposition - Nagoya, 1937 [+]

Vintage Japanese industrial exhibition poster --
Nagoya Pan-Pacific Peace Exposition - Nagoya, 1937 [+]

Vintage Japanese industrial exhibition poster --
Nangoku Tosa Exhibition - Kochi, 1937 [+]

Vintage Japanese industrial exhibition poster --
International Hot Spring Tourism Exposition - Beppu, 1937 [+]

Vintage Japanese industrial exhibition poster --
Second Sino-Japanese War Exhibition - Osaka, 1938 [+]

Vintage Japanese industrial exhibition poster --
Greater East Asia Construction Exposition - Osaka, 1939 [+]

Vintage Japanese industrial exhibition poster --
National Defense Science Exposition - Tokyo/Kanagawa, 1940 [+]

Vintage Japanese industrial exhibition poster --
National Defense Science Exposition - Hyogo, 1941 [+]

Vintage Japanese industrial exhibition poster --
National Defense Science Exposition - Hyogo, 1941

Vintage Japanese industrial exhibition poster --
National Defense Science Exposition - Hyogo, 1941

Vintage Japanese industrial exhibition poster --
Asia Development and Defense Exposition - Toyota City, 1941 [+]

[Via: Nihon no Hakurankai, published by Heibonsha Limited, 2005]

Video: Tiger on the loose at Ueno Zoo

11 Feb 2010

A tiger ran wild through Tokyo's Ueno Zoo yesterday as part of a biannual escaped animal drill.

+ Video

This year's simulation involved a tiger that escaped after an earthquake. The runaway animal -- played by a person in a suit -- caused some chaos and took down a couple of onlookers before the zoo staff chased it down, surrounded it with nets, and shot it with a tranquilizer dart.

Eromanga Island has disappeared

10 Feb 2010

Eromanga Island, a tiny island in the South Pacific nation of Vanuatu, has been swallowed up by rising sea levels, according to a long-standing rumor in Japan.

Erromango --
View of Eromanga Island on the Wii weather channel

Erroneous news about the island's watery demise appears to have begun ten years ago as a tidbit of fake trivia presented on a popular late-night TBS Radio program hosted by comedian Hikaru Ijuin. Some listeners apparently took the information at face value, and word of Eromanga's fate began to spread. The rumors were further fueled when a subsequent TV program mentioned Eromanga as an example of an island that had been submerged by rising sea levels caused by global warming.

Years later, some people still evidently believe Eromanga has disappeared.

To Japanese speakers, the name of the island might sound more incredible than the rumors of its disappearance. Eromanga (エロマンガ) happens to be the Japanese word for erotic manga (i.e. "porno comics"). The unlikely name, which conjures up images of an exotic place overflowing with adult comic magazines, even inspired Osamu Tezuka, the godfather of manga, to take a trip there with fellow manga creator Ichiro Tominaga.

In the local language, Eromanga (also spelled Erromanga or Erromango) means "it's a man."

Erromango --

Interestingly, there is an element of truth to the rumors of Eromanga's disappearance. In recent years, Japanese map makers have adopted a new spelling -- イロマンゴ (pronounced "iromango") -- which appears to more accurately reflect the native pronunciation. So even though Eromanga has not been swallowed up by the sea, it has, in a sense, been wiped off the map.

[Note: This is the latest in a series of weekly posts on Japanese urban legends. Check back next week for more.]

Snow sculptures at Sapporo Snow Festival 2010

08 Feb 2010

This year's Sapporo Snow Festival kicked off last weekend, bringing hundreds of massive snow sculptures into the streets of Japan's northern capital. Here's a look at some of the works on display at the event, which runs until February 11.

+ Video

Sapporo Snow Festival 2010 --
Hatsune Miku [Photo by kamemaruk]

Sapporo Snow Festival 2010 --
Michael Jackson [Photo by tmaeda_japan]

Sapporo Snow Festival 2010 --
Frauenkirche (The Church of Our Lady) [Photo by North☆Star]

Sapporo Snow Festival 2010 --
Northern Zoos [Photo via Sapporo Snow Festival website]

Sapporo Snow Festival 2010 --
Northern Zoos [Photo by 悪さー]

Sapporo Snow Festival 2010 --
Northern Zoos [Photo by 悪さー]

Sapporo Snow Festival 2010 --
The Place Where Dreams Come True [Photo by minkara]

Sapporo Snow Festival 2010 --
The Place Where Dreams Come True [Photo by zuiko]

Sapporo Snow Festival 2010 --
Gundam [Photo by あくあ]

Sapporo Snow Festival 2010 --
Royal Palace of Baekje [Photo by 野鳥大好き]

Sapporo Snow Festival 2010 --
Buddha [Photo by あくあ]

Sapporo Snow Festival 2010 --
Kodama [Photo by あくあ]

Sapporo Snow Festival 2010 --
Gundam [Photo by あくあ]

Sapporo Snow Festival 2010 --
Iolani Palace [Photo by tmaeda_japan]

Sapporo Snow Festival 2010 --
[Photo by あくあ]

Sapporo Snow Festival 2010 --
Seitokai no Ichizon [Photo by ryu.i4]

Sapporo Snow Festival 2010 --
[Photo by あくあ]

Sapporo Snow Festival 2010 --
Chibi Maruko-chan [Photo by あくあ]

Monster illustrations from ‘Yokai Jiten’

05 Feb 2010

Here's a peek at a few creatures profiled in Yōkai Jiten ("Yōkai Encyclopedia"), an informative guide to 100 of Japan's traditional monsters, written and illustrated by manga artist Shigeru Mizuki in 1981.

Suiko illustration from Shigeru Mizuki's Yokai Jiten --
Suiko [+]

The suiko (lit. "water tiger") is a king-sized variety of kappa living in and around the Chikugo River (Kyushu), Lake Biwa (Shiga prefecture), and other bodies of water across Japan.

In addition to prowling around at night and making mischief, the suiko has the power to possess people. Those possessed by a suiko descend into a temporary state of madness, but they recover quickly after the creature withdraws.

At least once a year, the suiko drags a human victim into the water, sucks out his blood, and returns the body to shore. It is best not to have a funeral for the victim of a suiko attack. Instead, the body should be left on a wooden plank inside a small thatched hut in a field. If done properly, this course of action causes the flesh of the suiko perpetrator to slowly rot until it dies.

* * * * *

Umibozu illustration from Shigeru Mizuki's Yokai Jiten --
Umi-bōzu [+]

Umi-bōzu are giant black bulbous beings that live in the sea. Sometimes they have glowing eyes and a beak, and other times they have no facial features at all. To survive an umi-bōzu encounter at sea, one should remain quiet and look in the opposite direction. Speaking or looking at the creature may send it into a rage -- and that usually ends in tragedy.

* * * * *

Bakekujira illustration from Shigeru Mizuki's Yokai Jiten --
Bake-kujira [+]

Long ago, a mysterious sea creature known as the bake-kujira (lit. "ghost whale") used to appear at night in the waters around an island in Shimane prefecture. The thing looked like the skeleton of a giant whale, and it was usually accompanied by a flock of strange birds when it came drifting in with the tide. Later, when the tide started to recede, peculiar fish would become visible in the water around the monster. Fisherman trying to catch the bake-kujira claimed their harpoons passed through the creature as if it were not there.

* * * * *

Satori illustration from Shigeru Mizuki's Yokai Jiten --
Satori [+]

The satori is a type of mountain-dwelling goblin that can read human minds. When it encounters travelers passing through the mountains, the creature approaches them and begins speaking their thoughts aloud. Once the victims become thoroughly confused and disoriented, the satori captures and eats them.

It is said that an empty mind is the best protection against a satori attack. Thinking nothing at all causes the creature to turn away in boredom or flee in fear. A notorious satori named Omoi lives on the slopes of Mt Fuji.

* * * * *

Onyudo illustration from Shigeru Mizuki's Yokai Jiten --
Ōnyūdō [+]

The ōnyūdō (lit. "large monk") appears in numerous Japanese folk tales. His appearance varies from story to story, but he is always big, ranging anywhere from 2 meters (6 ft 6 in) tall to as large as a mountain. In most cases, the ōnyūdō is a malevolent figure that can cause people to fall ill simply by looking at them. Some stories describe him as a fox or tanuki (raccoon dog) that has shape-shifted, but in most stories his true identity is a mystery.

* * * * *

Tankororin illustration from Shigeru Mizuki's Yokai Jiten --
Tankororin [+]

One type of ōnyūdō, called tankororin, is known to spring forth from untended persimmon trees. The fruits transform into tankororin if left unpicked on the tree for too long.

* * * * *

Bakki illustration from Shigeru Mizuki's Yokai Jiten --
Bakki [+]

The bakki is a furry creature with eyes on top of its head. It measures 60 to 90 centimeters (2 to 3 ft) long and usually appears as a blur because it runs so fast. The bakki is regarded as a great threat to the environment, as it causes moisture to disappear wherever it goes. Plants and trees wither, crops fail, and ponds evaporate. The only way to eliminate a bakki is to capture it and submerge it in dirty water.

* * * * *

Nuppefuhofu illustration from Shigeru Mizuki's Yokai Jiten --
Nuppefuhofu [+]

The nuppefuhofu (a.k.a. nuppeppo) is a man-sized lump of decaying human flesh usually found hanging around old abandoned temples and graveyards. Aside from the creature's massive flabs of flesh, the only features are its arms and legs -- and its horrid smell. The nuppefuhofu enjoys long aimless walks after dark, and it appears to derive satisfaction from frightening people on the street at night.

* * * * *

Kobokunokai illustration from Shigeru Mizuki's Yokai Jiten --
Koboku-no-kai [+]

Koboku-no-kai are spirits of old trees. One such tree spirit was encountered by Tarōemon, a man who lived in Niigata prefecture long ago. One drunken night, Tarōemon noticed a prowler standing next to the old tree in front of his house. He stepped outside to confront the stranger, and they started fighting. Tarōemon subdued the man and managed to drag him inside, only to discover that he had transformed into a large tree branch. The next morning, Tarōemon took the branch to a nearby temple. The resident priest told Tarōemon that the old tree in front of his house was occupied by a spirit. After the priest recited a chant, the tree never caused any trouble again.

[See also: Anatomy of Japanese folk monsters]

Video: Star Wars disco sea chicken

03 Feb 2010

Hagoromo canned tuna (a.k.a. "sea chicken") commercial, circa 1978.

+ Video

[Via MetaFilter]

Now hiring part-time cadaver cleaners

03 Feb 2010

Want to earn 50,000 yen ($550) a day? If you have a strong stomach, you might consider a part-time job washing cadavers in Japan.

Part-time job --
Strapped for cash?

Rumors about the existence of lucrative cadaver-washing jobs have circulated on Japanese college campuses for over 50 years. For the most part, these stories are regarded as urban legends, and most evidence suggests that no such job opportunities actually exist. If they do exist, they are difficult to find because they are not publicly advertised and can only be heard about through word-of-mouth.

According to the word on the street, though, these lucrative temporary jobs can be found at medical facilities and universities that maintain supplies of cadavers for educational purposes. The bodies, which belong to individuals who have donated themselves to science, need to be washed before they can be used as specimens in human dissection classes. Temporary workers are hired to perform the unpleasant cleaning task.

Some theories link the origins of the job rumors to a 1957 short story by internationally acclaimed author Kenzaburō Ōe, entitled "Lavish Are The Dead" (Shisha no Ogori - 死者の奢り). The story, which Ōe wrote while attending the University of Tokyo, revolves around a couple of student employees tasked with transferring cadavers from one pool of liquid preservative to another. Although Ōe's work is fiction, there is some speculation that the job featured in the story was actually based on fact (or even hearsay).

Other theories suggest these job rumors existed well before Ōe wrote his short story. During the Korean War, corpse-cleaning jobs were rumored to be plentiful around certain US military bases in Japan, where the remains of fallen US soldiers were taken for identification and embalming before their journey home. Similar rumors appear to have been common during the Vietnam War era as well.

In 1995, however, writer and medical doctor Yoichi Nishimaru published an essay examining the history of US military mortuary affairs in Japan. The essay includes a quote by a mortuary officer who denied the existence of such corpse-washing job opportunities for Japanese civilians.

Still, the rumors appear to be alive and well. Universities reportedly receive occasional telephone calls from people searching for temporary cadaver-cleaning work. Although most of these inquiries appear to be prank calls, there are evidently a few calls from serious job-seekers as well. After all, desperate times call for desperate measures.

[Note: This is the latest in a series of weekly posts on Japanese urban legends. Check back next week for more.]

‘Bad Apple!!’ stop-motion animation

28 Jan 2010

"Bad Apple!!" is a magical piece of stop-motion animation made from 6,566 still photos of printed bitmaps.

+ Video

The creator, Nico Nico Douga user "shige-ruuu," says he made the video without using photo-editing software. The images were captured with a webcam, and the effects were achieved by changing the camera position and adjusting the focus, brightness, zoom, exposure and gain.

The original stills and music come from this video for the song "Bad Apple!!" (arranged by Masayoshi Minoshima, featuring vocals by nomico) from the Touhou Project game series.