+ Video
By fading back and forth between scenes of pre- and post-quake Tokyo, this time-lapse video by YouTube user darwinfish105 shows how the metropolitan nightscape has been affected by Japan's ongoing power shortages and conservation efforts.
+ Video
By fading back and forth between scenes of pre- and post-quake Tokyo, this time-lapse video by YouTube user darwinfish105 shows how the metropolitan nightscape has been affected by Japan's ongoing power shortages and conservation efforts.
That's quite a difference. I keep wondering how much different daily life really is in Tokyo. Hard to tell from the little bits of news I read.
[ ]Greg
Not significantly. Probably the most visible change right now is that a lot of escalators have been shut down to save power.
[ ]sebastian
It looks so much nicer darker.
[ ]BookCoverJudge
I can stare at these videos for days, relaxing and entrancing at the same time.
[ ]Bushi
Yes! very relaxing! with music is this? Do somone now the name of the group or album?
Domo arigato!
[ ]Patti D.
Very nice!! let's see if they keep it like this for a long time.
[ ]guillermo
where are you pink tentacle? we miss you
[ ]Kincade
No news for a while now... I hope you come back! This blog rocks. I love the long posts about Japanese history. So many interesting tidbits all over this blog!
[ ]Philipp
will you be back?
[ ]Andrew
Hope all is well.
- Your audience, checking in.
[ ]ZoOL
Amazing video! Time-lapse+miniature effects, simply stunning. The world are with you Japan, be strong!
[ ]sanjirosan
I hope all is well, and If not I wish you well PT for all of cool stuff you have brought to us in the past.
[ ]gato1985
Polish readers miss you. The greatest blog about Japan! Hope ypu are well!
[ ]Worried
We miss you here, too. Hope all is well.
[ ]Joel
We miss you too here! I hope you are ok!
[ ]rud
Same here :(
[ ]Hope things are somehow ok ..
Streets are still crowded as I see.
[ ]df
Hope all is fine with pink tentacle person. No posts for some time makes me concerned. All the best.
[ ]eB
(-!-)v がんばってね。
[ ]valdemar
I too am concerned for Pink Tentacle. Does anyone have any news? It's been a long while.
[ ]daedalus
Hope all is well PT!
[ ]booboo
Hope you're O.K. Mr. Tentacle!
[ ]Kagekei
hope you are fine i'm starting to wonder cause there are no new posts
[ ]by the way i love your site XD
I'm worried pink tentacle is no more...
Not the dude, the site
[ ]zuka
It's a shame, cause the new layout is awesome
[ ]Adrien
You're missed in France too, hope you're ok Mr Tentacle
[ ]hoora
Even in Czech republic were worried... Hope youre ok. Fingers crossed for Pink Tentacle!
[ ]Deadlinekiddo
We miss you Tentacle-san!
[ ]I hope you are alright.
Kinda like a look at a world without bombarded by advertising.
[ ]whitefoxondope
Texas misses you as well...come back if you can, all the best to you!
[ ]BiH
We miss you in the Balkans. Hope you are okay.
[ ]phunniemee
What the fuk happen to this blog?
He gone now. *sad face*
[ ]Omaxem
Missing you in Portugal. Hope you are ok.
[ ]kazando
Hope everything is alright wherever you are. Michigan misses you too.
[ ]walter
california wants you back!!
[ ]Ulashima
Not updating...still? Maybe not whole Turkey, but a certain guy in Istanbul wants to hear from you too. Hope it's all right over there.
[ ]William
The video was a good perspective, Music was nice, hope to see you back around.
[ ]JP
I miss this blog way too much. I hope everything and everybody is okay and that you'll be able to return soon. Much love from California.
[ ]sanjirosan
still no updates, and I fear the worst might have happened to our friend. well much love to you and yours PT, and I hope all is well, if not I hope it gets better. So Cal love for you man, and Fight On Japan
[ ]Axi
Denmark misses you as well, hope everything is okay...
[ ]JTwiggleTRON
Arizona misses you very much. You are / were the best yokai / kaiju source on the internet. I hope all is well and that you come back soon with some amazing stories and updates.
[ ]alanabalana
virginia misses you, pink tenacle! i've shared your blog with so many fellow art teachers as a great way to peak students interest in japanese culture :) i hope you and yours are well and that you will come back soon! all the best to you.
[ ]fishegg
Pink Tentacle-san, please come back (T_T)
[ ]analogica
hope you're OK.
[ ]Best wishes from Spain. <3
Aw man, guys, I want more Pink Tentacle. :c
[ ]walter
please come back...
[ ]Chris
I believe he's not coming back. I suspect has something to do with the terrible japan earthquake.
[ ]Ken
This site has been one of my favorites. I hope the person in charge is ok and well and is just preoccupied with other things.
[ ]Rick
Hello? knock, knock, knock....is anybody home? Mr. Tentacle, are you in there.....???
[ ]Wombo
If you're gone for forever I'd like to say thanks. I would love it if you started posting again.
[ ]Mr. Cavin
I'd like to add my thanks as well. This blog has been terrific. Always surprising and insightful. I can't tell you the number of times I shared these posts with my friends. Thank you Pink Tentacle.
[ ]envirion
Also missing this blog and adding in my thanks for the updates past.
Thank you!
[ ]valdemar
Let me add my thanks to those of other readers. This is a superb blog, a source of amusement and knowledge that I stumbled upon by chance one day. I've learned a lot thanks to you, PT. I hope you're well and happy somewhere.
[ ]Wombo
[ ]dave legion
Ditto.. came a cross it one day and forever have been back check on some new cool shit..hope all is well with the creator..I need you
[ ]Logick
I love this site, it introduced me to Hinfana, and lots of other cool stuff in japan. I hope your alive and well.
[ ]Stefano
I miss Pink Tentacle so much... I still come here many times a week hoping to see a new post.
Really loved this place, love from Italy.
[ ]ikigai
we are wondering about the silence from Pink Tentacle also and we hope the responsible person for PT is still alive and healthy! we miss you, best wishes from germany! come back soon!
if anyone knows what is going on, please let us know!
[ ]Grimloche
I keep checking this site 2-3 times a week like I used to. Come back :(
[ ]please
why is this site dead??? NOOO! I need my pink fix!!!
[ ]Li
I miss you from Spain! You are a giant part of my inspiration and I know now lots more things about Japan thanks to you. I hope everything is ok in your life!!
[ ]Kentin
I hope you're fine and healthy! I'm sure you're preparing the best return ever.
Take care of you!
From Paris,
[ ]boul
salut pinktentacle,
[ ]donnes nous de tes nouvelles,ça commence à faire long cette absence
a tres bientot
boul le bIDOn
Denver misses you too!
[ ]0bs3si0n3s
Spain is waiting for your return!!
Hope you are OK
See you!
[ ]Akime
[ ]franco brambilla
Italy miss you too! Please if you can, come online with new amazing posts!!
[ ]Franco
Come back pleaseee!!! =(
[ ]analogica
Please, come back!! I'm really worried, hope Mr. PT is ok....
[ ]laserblast
still checking this blog every day, haven't found another like it !
[ ]Sakae
This is one of the best clips I've watched tonight. Gotta check out more of these time-lapse videos! I hope everything's ok.
[ ]Kaede
I hope you are alright.
Thank you for your wonderful blog. I love reading/ re-reading through your posts & learning so much. Good thoughts to you & again, many thanks for your amazing blog.
[ ]Andrew
Greetings from Washington DC! I just wanted to join in with the others who have expressed their love for your blog and say thanks for all the interesting reads. Hope all is well with you and look forward to your return!
[ ]Akime
I hope you're fine: We're waiting your return.
[ ]Marcko
Hey PT!
Tu me manques. :'( I miss you!
Depuis plus de 6 mois maintenant plus de news.
Un petit Kiss From Paris en esperant le grand retour des news!
Un petit lien en attendant, la vie se reconstruit...
[ ]Neko + the Kiwis
We love your site- hope all is well and hope you come back soon.
Much love from New Zealand
[ ]Michael
Ello, this is Michael from Australia :)
Just letting you know that your site/posts are amazing and I've been checking up, hoping to see something new.
Not sure where you are good sir but I hope all is well and that you share more great things with us :D
Take care!
[ ]Lee
I'm missing you in Nova Scotia. I sincerely hope that you are alive and well. I really love this blog.
[ ]Phil
Just checking in to your blog after many months. Saddened to see no updates since April. Hope you are okay. I've followed your blog for many years and really appreciate all your work.
[ ]sealedroom
Come back soon, PT.
[ ]Volita
Please, public more things about Japan, i am an entusiast of this country, so please continue the good work.
[ ]Knower of Things
Keep hope alive? Pretty sure PT's author is dead.
[ ]Crawling Chaos
Poppycock! Obviously he's been placed into a state of suspended animation, deep under the ocean. We await his return.
[ ]Knower of Things
dead as a doornail
[ ]Cavin
somebody's deleting the spam from this comments section. Keep hope alive!
[ ]Hmmm
I do not want to think or say this, but did something happen to Author during the Tsunami or Earthquake? :(
[ ]Michael Allen
It's been awfully frustrating seeing what was once a beautifully rich and fascinating blog be thrown by the wayside. If the author was personally affected by the tsunami/earthquake, why on earth would they post posts in its aftermath? If the site has been abandoned, why no announcement of any kind? The Twitter account is untouched as well.
Something really strange has happened... I don't know what I should feel.
[ ]AlexAwesome
I miss this blog so much! I hope you are doing okay! I have read this for many years and hope that you will update again soon!
[ ]M.
Return to us, Pink Tentacle. It is your duty. You must spread Japanese memes in the West to counterbalance the nuclear hysteria.
[ ]Gustavo
Please come back Pink tentacle!
[ ]The best for you in this 2012!
Dont close this site!
[ ]lunaemoth
I've been a fan for a long time. I was concerned when I heard about the quakes and tsunami, etc. Many months later I am still very concerned. I hope you are ok Pink Tentacle. Missing you in my various stops across the country, from New York, to Florida, and Utah. I wish you the best in health an success and hope for your return one day. Whatever the cause, know that there are many out there whose thoughts are with you.
[ ]Grimloche
I too really miss this site. Every post was like a bonus for my week on the internet and i'd come back multiple times.
[ ]誰かさん
don't give up, please return,
or, rest in peace,
[ ]Blackberrymochi
Just what happened here? I've been missing this blog for a long time :(
[ ]Hope all is well, best wishes from Colombia!
Anyone got any idea what happened to Mr Pink Tentacle? I don't think he'd be the type to abandon his site so easily.
[ ]Also wondering what will happen to this site if he did "abandon" it whether willingly or unwillingly.... even if he uses a free hosting service would they continue to keep this site up when it's no longer being updated?
i am leaving the light on for you; come back when you can.
you are not alone!
[ ]oh noes
Russia misses you too! Hope you are ok!
[ ]Blacknimbus
Miss the updates...hope everything is OK.
cheers from Nagaoka.
[ ]wallpaperfood
Pink Tentacle-san!!!!!!!!
Dearly missing your awesome blog here - I have yet to come across one as fascinating with all the unique tidbits on jap culture ranging from period art to modern-day scientific endeavours - to me, it is the best blog there is (or was..hopefully not) and I've been checking every so often since this time lapse video post! Where are you and what happened? It seems abrupt and strange that it should suddenly stop being updated. I hope everything is well!
With <3 from Malaysia~
[ ]Hulekule
Hey Pink Tentecale-san!
Miss the updates from you. all the cool and great stuff from own fav country.
Hope all is well and hope you will give a word or to so people know whats up.
You got alot of fans that think about you
From you Norwegian fan <3
[ ]Murphy
Kentucky is thinking about you, too! We hope things are going well, and we really miss your posts. Good luck with everything, please come back soon! <3<3<3
[ ]valdemar
Still no news? Sad. This is a brilliant blog. If you can, PT, let us know how you are.
[ ]MikeDeJ
After almost a yeah I'm still checking for updates at least once a week...
I hope everything is all right.
Cheers from Germany!
[ ]Oli
What happened ? :(
[ ]Satal
Dittoing all these comments back from VA. I, too, wish for a return of this blog. I would have never heard of World Order or gained such a love for 70s scifi art if not for the PT. Best to you.
[ ]DeLynn
Pink Tentacle Y U no update?
[ ]From here in New Mexico, I miss you! :[
I also am in New Mexico. Am always checking for update. Sadface.
[ ]tiritomba
I wish you'd come back, even just to say you're okay :-\
[ ]overyourshoulder
Everyone misses the best blog the internet once had. I hope you are alright, author of this blog, whatever you're doing now.
[ ]mabaricows
Been reading this blog for years and I echo the sentiments of all those who miss this blog..
[ ]Pink Tentacle guy, you're missed in Singapore as well..
Tokyo Fashion
Just checking in to see if the blog was back, but still no updates after almost a year? Hope life is treating you okay and hope to see new posts again soon.
[ ]df
I check in once a week or so hoping for an update. Hope all is well and all the best from Wellington, NZL.
[ ]Ben
The past year has been noticeable less amazing without Pink Tentacle.
I wish Edo all the best from Melbourne, Australia.
[ ]It was fun while it lasted.
Exactly one year since update. Hope you are ok. I miss the best blog ever made!
[ ]If you don't turn up eventually, I'm hiring a private investigator!
Love from NY.
I've missed your posts!
[ ]Hope all is well!
u also missed in Kiev, Ukraine
[ ]as
come back!!!!
[ ]Green Tentacle
Please come back!!!!!
[ ]Jaxson
Wow, I keep coming back hoping this blog starts up again. I miss my weekly dose of Pink Tentacle. I learned a lot from this blog, and hope all is well. How will the content of the blog continue if the site shuts down?
[ ]Ex
no news in over a year... for such an active author like PT one this means only 1 thing: RIP and the world it's a bit less bright now :-( if anyone got news (can't believe he had no personal friends browsing his BLOG) please give some kind of updates!
[ ]wallpaperfood
Hi PT, back again to check as usual :)
re: the poster above me, I hope not and I don't want to think the worst - but I can't come up with any other option :"(
If PT had decided to stop blogging, I'm sure there would have been an official post about it - but not seeing any signs of one, it makes me feel more downcast T_T
A LOT of my pictures in my picture gallery come from this site...on a sidenote
[ ]tiritomba
If any personal friend or relative of the website's curator visits this blog and sees these comments, I would like to ask them to kindly leave a message as to the wellbeing of the site's owner. Some of us are checking again and again, by now more disheartened than worried, and even if we did not know PT personally, his sudden disappearance is distressing to all who loved this place.
[ ]Stefano
Still miss you, still miss my favourite blog of all time.
[ ]jazmine
what happened to pink tentacle??? this is my favourite website ever
[ ]Doc B
Hello, I would only reiterate the messages above- if anyone has information regarding the well-being of this site's author, it would be much appreciated. Pink Tentacle has been one of the best things on the web for a long time.
[ ]JoeShishido
Is it possible to edit one's own comments? Just asking 'cause yesterday there were 127, now the total number of comments went down to 126 again (that is before this one here as posted/ displayed).
[ ]JoeShishido
Ok, since I cannot edit mine I'll have to assume that someone with administrative rights must have deleted the comment I was talking about... ?
[ ]SamNicoresti
Hello, just came back to this blog after many months of waiting to find that still no new posts have been made, and would like to add my comment to the support and concern for the author's well-being. It's very sad that this blog has fallen silent, as it was a particular love of mine. It's a strange feeling when something so close to you suddenly goes away, and you realise just how helplessly far removed you actually were. Missing you, PT!
[ ]gabriel
hey folks, i too am really interested in finding out what happened to the author of this blog. i submitted a request to boing boing to ask if they had any information or could use their blogospere super powers to help find out, since they have linked many stories from here in the past, but nothing yet. maybe someone else could also chime in and ask them, or anybody else who might be able to help find out what happened.
[ ]tiritomba
gabriel, I had the same idea sometime in July and submitted the link to this thread - unfortunately there was no reaction from boing boing whatsoever :(
[ ]Pxl
I also keep checking and wondering.
Maybe ask Reddit...if no one has done it before.
[ ]They are very good at solving mysteries.
I'm surprised the page hasn't been shut down, unless someone's been maintaining it? Or maybe I just don't understand how internet blogs work.
Anyway, I really miss this blog, there's nothing else like it, really. And it is strange that no personal friends of the author have offered any news, considering how many comments there are on this post now. :\
[ ]tiritomba
looked the domain info up some time ago, and if i am not mistaken, it will go down on Dec 30th, 2013, if not taken care of by its owners. i'd absolutely hate to see all this work disappear. saved a copy of the entire site on my hard drive.
[ ]jazmine
how did you do that? save a copy
[ ]tiritomba
I am not near the computer with the software I used right now (which, btw, I have downloaded and only used for pinktentacle), but I think it was HTTrack (http://download.cnet.com/HTTrack-Website-Copier/3000-2377_4-10039773.html?tag=mncol;1). This labor of obvious love should not go down and be lost.
[ ]jazmine
how did you do that? save a copy
[ ]steven
There is a Metafilter thread on this issue - someone asking the same question :- http://ask.metafilter.com/222414/What-happened-to-the-Japanese-blog-Pink-Tentacle
[ ]Rene
Thanks for that Link, I read this site for years when it suddenly stopped...
[ ]steven
This username was created this year - http://www.twitch.tv/pinktentacle/videos . Could it be them?
[ ]guacamole
Steven, I don't think that. I still hope he's alive...but increasingly.
Hope someone saves his work and share it.
Continue waiting
[ ]Kisses from Canary Islands
AFAIK pinktentacle is just the blog name.
[ ]The author used the alias 'Edo'.
Come on, give us some kind of info. Please? This site is so cool!
[ ]Akime
Is possible to request to blogger some help to save the site?
Signatures sheets or something like that?
[ ]Amadeo
We miss you in Argentina, man, hope everything is okay.
[ ]GaijinSan
Time-lapse videos, especially of Tokyo lights, always impress me. Especially since I tried to make one myself (of mount Fuji) then you notice how you have to be careful not to touch the camera at all!
[ ]Jeff
Rest in peace.
[ ]MistaPrime
There were several disasters occuring in Japan in the year 2011. And I really hope that nothing happened to the author as it was a good source of information for http://hight3ch.com
Get back Pink Tentacle ! The World Needs Your Info !
[ ]Mike
[ ]Hope Everything works out .. From Canada
Well Dec 27 we'll find out if site gets renewed or not.
[ ]773
Dec 2013 - we have to wait another year for that, as it's currently only Dec 2012 (as far as I'm aware).
Anyway, come back soon, Tentacle-san. I feel increasingly sad about the silence.
[ ]BZou
Man I really hope this guy is alive, although it has been so god damn long since the last update and no signs of any sort.
If you are alive, best wishes to you.
[ ]kengese
so long and thanks for all the fish.
[ ]dia sobin
Just thought I'd throw this out there... I put up a short post on my blog in September of last year: "Pink Tentacle, Where Are You?" It's gotten over 750 hits in the past 9 months, and still counting... at least 10 hits per day lately. It's very sad.
I think it is significant, however, that there's no spam in the comment section...
[ ]Guillermo
We must stop this great website from shutting down Dec 27. I would pay its hosting my shelf. Best whises Tentacle Sama, where ever you are!
[ ]wallpaperfood
Hi PT-sama...Merry Christmas and Happy New Year wherever you are!
I have not managed to find another blog to fill the void your's has left...
[ ]takeaim
Happy New Year pinktentacle!
[ ]BZou
Hey if this site is still up after Dec 27. What does this mean, did the host pay to renew it or what?
[ ]773
No, it was due to expire Dec 2013. The people earlier in the thread that were saying it was going to expire got the year wrong. The fact that it's still here means nothing yet.
[ ]Gullo
Italy is waiting for you Edo.
[ ]Portinaio
Pinktentacle!!!! Come back!!!
[ ]ola
I miss this blog so much, hope it comes back!
[ ]daitokuji
They disappeared after the earthquake, tsunami, nuclear fallout time-frame. Hope they didn't die. Your missed in the cold rising unemployed corporate state sector of Wisconsin. You are missed.
[ ]Charles
Please be okay!
[ ]Davi A
Please give us a signal! We are really worried about you.
[ ]Korey
Australia misses you! Hope you're ok. This blog was incredible.
[ ]tameiki
Thank you so much for everything. Such a great site. You will not be forgotten.
Thanks, PT. Sending lots of love.
[ ]sanjirosan
honestly I hope everything is ok with Edo. I would also like to pose a question, would someone be willing to email the guy who made this video and ask him if he knows Edo? one would think he asked his permission first, cause this is not the first time he has used one of this guys vids. I would have emailed him myself, but to my knowledge he only speaks japanese, and my written is trash. this is his blogger id that has an email he can be contacted at:
[ ]http://www.blogger.com/profile/00110949246767254162
best of luck to anyone that is attempting to figure out this mystery
pink tentacle sama, we miss you )':
[ ]be well wherever you are
We are waiting for new video............
[ ]Kaia
Hope you are okay. Visited your blog first time around end of 2010 and the beginning of 2011. Have been coming back on some occasions after you stopped blogging. Twitter posts suggest nothing really bad happened to you directly after the earthquake/tsunami, but where are you? : (
[ ]sal
just checking. fond memories on this site. do take care.
[ ]Ja
Sending some love from Singapore, hope you're safe and sound.
[ ]BluePebble
PinkTentacle much love from Melbourne Australia. One of my favorite ever sites, with interesting and unique content.
Hope you are well wherever you are and that one day you may return, either here or somewhere else.
[ ]Mello
I still check this wonderful blog once every few months :'D How I wish I'd commented on all those posts to show my appreciation before this.
[ ]My very belated thank you, Pink Tentacle for all your great posts with such high quality pictures. Hopefully before the site's lease expires end of this year, we will see a post or even a comment just telling us Mr Pink Tentacle is still alive.
Til then, thank you PT.
just chiming in with others above and below to say miss you and hope you're well. xoxo
[ ]ChrisRays
Wonderful blog. A pity that you stopped blogging. Thanks for all the great pictures and videos and information.
[ ]Logick
Well lets see if this site survives the day.....
[ ]BluePebble
It has so far, but the domain host simply may not have yet shut the site down. It is possible to back up a copy and upload, if anyone purchases a new domain.
Would be such a shame for this content to leave the web.
[ ]EDcomics
It appears the hosting has been renewed until December 30, 2016.
[ ]imo
thank lord this site isn't going to be taken down.
[ ]i like to imagine mr. pink tentacle is fine and good and enjoying a life without computers. i really hope so.
It is really nice that this site got renewed. Maybe Mr. Pink tentacle intends to blog again soon. Hopefully. Either way I really hope this site doesn't get taken down. I like to go back to reread some of these awesome posts every now and then.
[ ]Joel
Yay! I really do hope it's true!
[ ]boubou
please dude, please be well.
[ ]pinktentacle is such a great place....
Several years on and I STILL think about this site...so very sad...
[ ]Wishing you well, wherever you are Pink Tentacle!!
Checking with the others. Sometimes I'll be stumble upon something fresh, different than the 'Japanese culture is so crazy!' articles that I see all over the internet... And I'll think about how its something I probably would have seen on pink tentacle. Thanks for all the cool posts on PT, amd o hope the author of the blog is well!
[ ]Mai
Just checking in again. I still love to scroll through these pages and look at all the posts.
[ ]Mello
Today, I saw an article referring to Pink Tentacle on BoingBoing and rushed back here, cradling the tiny glimmer of hope that PinkTentacle was back. Alas, it was not to be and the article was from 2007.
I still find myself returning to this site every so often, digging up old articles I've not seen. Today, I'll be doing the same.
[ ]Am glad someone extended the site hosting to 2016, a big thank you to them!
My last visit to this blog was 4 years ago. I'm still looking for the owner of this blog after he/she suddenly stops posting in the event of earthquake in Japan.
Sincerely, i hope you are in good health out there.
P/S : True fan from Malaysia, fb.com/zool.hilmi69
[ ]Em
Was looking up Japanese art here: http://www.christies.com/lotfinder/prints-multiples/keisai-eisen-kitagawa-utamaro-4962107-details.aspx?from=salesummary&intObjectID=4962107&sid=21a93658-24fd-49eb-95b4-b599d9f5c680
And I thought of PT - haven't visited in a while. I can't believe it's still here after no new posts since 2011??! I don't know what happened but this was/is a great blog. Best wishes to the site owner. Hope he/she's okay.
Love from USA.
[ ]oldmtb
Any visitors here have similar blogs they wish to share? I don't think there is anything that could come close to PT, but one can always hope...
[ ]Elkkun33
This was one of the best websites.
[ ]I have checked on it every few months since it went down,
Wish the person was still uploading.
It's like the biggest mystery in my life.
I join the chorus of commentators missing Pink Tentacle. One of the best sites ever. I often revisit.
I hope it is not taken down!
All the best to you, man behind PT. I hope you re-engage someday!
[ ]Lalah
Still come by your site periodically. You're an amazing person and thank you so much for all your hard work here! I hope you return or make a new site some day :)
If it's a problem with time or money, maybe you could do a Patreon? I know lots of people who would help support you :)
[ ]S.L.
Such a mystery...I remember checking this website religiously and felt a bit empty when you stopped updating. I hope all is well with you - still anticipating the day you start blogging again. A fantastic site that can't be replaced. Glad to see supporters yet in 2015 :)
[ ]Shotora
I keep returning only to find that things are still the same. Miss seeing new content but life sometimes gets in the way. Hope that things are going well. Take care.
[ ]brian
Showing support. Glad I'm not the only one checking this in 2015. I knew either it would be gone or updated. I was wrong. Still in limbo. Bums me out.
[ ]Zorg
Even if this site never gets updated, I hope it stays up for 2016 as there's much here I haven't gone through yet.
[ ]Missinu
Happy new year pt ! , wherever you are , hope you find your way back .
[ ]missyoupinktentacle
Another year has passed by, dearly missing your updates PT-san. I hope you're okay and taking good care. Your blog is the best!
[ ]Analogica
[ ]WiggZ
I found a link to 'Japan probe' buried in my bookmarks.
Then I wonder whatever happened to the "Good Japan probe".
It's still here, the lights in Tokyo have gone out and no one is home.
(not a Haiku)
[ ]Reavyn
I'm not even sure what to write. I just miss this blog a lot. I hope you are alive and well. And if you are I hope that you make your way back here one day!
[ ]Brian
It's so telling that some of us keep coming back here to this day 5 years later. I used to love this blog. The only one I never stopped reading. Always interesting, always beautiful. I miss it. It was like a part of me that not everyone got. But this blog got it. Miss you Pink Tentacle. I'll never take you off my tabs.
[ ]Elkkun33
I've been coming to this site since at least 2007. It is one of the best sites to this day, and I still show friends stuff from it all the time. I always thought that the worst happened since the last post was during the quake biz. But recently I was reading over the PT twitter feed, and the person said that they we're safe several times. I wish we could have a more final answer. (Or really just more content...). But Mostly I hope that the person running the site continues to be safe and happy. This site and it's community is one of the nicest on the web. If anyone ever wants to Muse over some old articles, I'd be happy to make some new chat friends. Elkkun3@gmail.com
[ ]BZou
I periodically check this place hoping for new updates. Then again there is a lot of old content on here that I have not even gone through yet. Hope things are going well PT-San
[ ]Aengus
I am another person who checks back here occassionally. I do miss Pink Tentacles updates. I cant remember when I first found it, but it was a long time ago when PT was still active. It would be grreat to hear that everything was OK. The abrupt end was quite worrying and I suppose is the reason I check in every year or so.......
[ ]Jon
I miss this site and still look over the old content every so often.
[ ]XH
Still checking the site for updates...Hope the person behind the blog is okay...
[ ]gato
The same here.
[ ]EDcomics
Hosting expires December 31st, 2016. Will it renew automatically? Will the lights go dark for good? We're very close. Hopefully PinkTentacle can be saved.
[ ]Axis MX
Six years ago this site was one of the greatest inspirations in my life and after all this time Im still checking for updates, I miss you so much and hope you all have a great year 2017.
[ ]laura
It's still here... Where are you pink tentacle? Still going back almost 6 years later... </3
[ ]davidf
please come back
[ ]Max
Anyone know other sites similar to this one?
[ ]Don Trumpass
Who's dick do I need to suck to get this site rolling again?
[ ]Davi
I still hope you come back :-(
[ ]protomarks
Still checking the site for updates
[ ]brian
Not on my bookmarks bar anymore, but I still think to check. Still no posts. :(
[ ]Chachou
I just found your amazing website, and it is really inspiring. I hope to see more of your
content in the future, and for you to come back...
I especially enjoyed the namazu article. I hope Pink Tentacle will stay online !
[ ]davidf
checking in hoping to see some new content, thanks for keeping the site alive. Best wishes for 2018 :)
[ ]Meela
Still checking in
[ ]Davi A
7 years.
[ ]Its not possible that anyone have news or know the blog onwer. :-(
Still checking for updates...
[ ]nink
still checking in...
[ ]Petru
Hey! I hope you're good, I remember visiting this website long time ago and you stopped posting after the Fukushima incident, if you're still out there just post a message you're still alive!
[ ]John
It's 2018 and I'm still checking this blog every now and then...
[ ]Dmac
May 2018.
[ ]The site is still up.
We are still waiting..
[ ]TomY
this is sad :(
[ ]Michael Allen
Reaching out in the dark...
[ ]とみ
Guess I'm the first one from 2018 to leave a comment...still checking back. Be safe.
[ ]Protomarks
Please be okay!
[ ]Don
September 2018. Check back.
[ ]Momo
It's 2018. Still hoping the author posts again. PT where are you? :(
[ ]irene
still dropping by to say hi.
[ ]Godzilla_J
its November 27th 2018 and I am still looking for updates...
[ ]Lee
Me again, about 7 years later. I hope you're ok and just up to different things. It's wild how we keep visiting this place. Take care everyone <3
[ ]Meela
After about 1 year someone made my first comment public? I miss this place.
[ ]BluePebble
Nearly 6 years later and I still check in on this post from time to time.
[ ]Codah
I understand and acknowledge that PT will likely never be updated again. But I hope that everyone who comes here sees this note and is well. This was a website dedicated to the sometimes bizarre and almost always beautiful. And i'm Glad I had the chance to experience it for years with everyone else.
Thank you, PT. Where ever you are, whatever you're doing now, I hope it's sometimes bizarre and always beautiful.
[ ]Zammo
Who's paying for the hosting?
[ ]Godzilla_J
its 2019, I am still wishing this blog would come back!
[ ]Dawn
Just checking in. I always hope for a new post that means you are okay.
[ ]Hope Returns
2021 checking in!
[ ]nnk
still waiting in 2019 <3
[ ]Black Rabbit
hi !
[ ]Momo
It's 2019. Still hoping the author comes back. We miss you, Pink Tentacle!
[ ]Lilly
Thank you for everything Pink Tentacle. You had a big impact on my childhood. I come back here every now and then to check for an update. I also hope you are simply up to different things now and are safe. And if that is unfortunately not the case - whoever is maintaining the site clearly understands the importance and value of the work that was put into this website. So, thank you to whoever continues to renew the domain.
[ ]wallpaperfood
Ahh..last posted here on 3rd March 2012...still back to check 7 years later because I miss this blog so much.
[ ]Hope you are okay - look at how much love everyone's showing you! :)
I hope everything is ok ... I hope we get an update soon
[ ]davidf
back again just in case. Hope all is well with you.
[ ]Leonardo Picco
Still back to check... the mystery keeps growing
[ ]Brenan
checking in .. please update ?
[ ]graverox
it's been eight years... you don't even care, do you?
[ ]df
2019 is coming to an end. Maybe see you in 2020?
[ ]Lilly
Happy 2020!
[ ]Although I am sad to see there are still no updates, I am happy to at least it is still up both for nostalgia and for new people to stumble upon and discover. If you are out there PT (or whoever is renewing this domain each year), thank you again and hoping your 2020 is filled with happiness and adventure.
Just checking in again
[ ]helion
[ ]Don
March 21, 2020.
PT. The world is very different since your last post.
[ ]I hope everyone is healthy.
Please be safe, all. Be kind. Be considerate. Help those who can't help themselves.
I still have this site bookmarked just to come time to time and check if there's any update.
[ ]BZou
2020 Check in since I last checked back on 2016. Site is still here but Still no udpates. Hope all is well.
[ ]Godzilla_J
Aug 2020, still waiting for some kind of update.
[ ]tiritomba
turn around this miserable 2020 by making a comeback, will you :-)
[ ]Joe
2020 check in
[ ]Hope you're well PT
curious cat
almost the end of 2020 and no comments from this year? hope you are well. i still think about this site sometimes. it feels like a distant memory but is always nostalgic to come back to... pink tentacle, where art thou?
[ ]Lee
Me again, checking in. We're getting close to a decade. Hard to believe.
Take care during these uncertain times <3
[ ]Momo
The last five years i come here waiting some news :(. I hope you are safe and well
[ ]Harits Indi Pradana
hope there will be an update soon, it's already 10 years
[ ]tiritomba
[ ]Leon
Just came by to pay my respects. Miss your content!
[ ]acai_eater
Wow, 10 years since the last update.
Rest in Peace, Pinky.
[ ]Anon
It's still alive!? Who's paying for the hosting lol. I thought it expired on 2016. It's been 10 years since I last visited this...
[ ]S
Dang, it's been ten years.
[ ]Elkkun33
Damn, a whole decade and the site's still kicking...sort of. Welp...at least you didn't miss much, these last two years have sucked. Peace to whoever reads this, at least this site is still being hosted.
[ ]Godzilla_J
It's September 2021, and I still come back here hoping for a new post or some kind of update.
[ ]RIP Pink Tentacle, you were one of my favorite blogs.
Still waiting with hope
[ ]Eduardo
2021 and i still remember this blog, you made such an impact for so many people . thanks
[ ]graverox
10 years already...
[ ]Porky
Is this site no longer being updated?
I can't tell, as I'm an idiot.
[ ]helion
*pinging* again to see if comments work.
[ ]stay well everyone.
It's been almost 10 years since the last update on this blog, I come back from time to time to see if anything has changed. Nothing yet, ill see you all in another 10 years I guess.
[ ]Lee
Wow! Almost 11 years later, 4 years since my last comment, almost 3 years since the last comment. No one around for the 10 year mark. Maybe everyone is just forgetting this place entirely. I forget what I was doing the other day that made me think of this place. I've gotten back into tcgs, and like looking into the late 90's/early 00's tcg scene in Japan, and I've also been listening to a lot of vaporwave(don't laugh)-style stuff. I guess it all makes me nostalgic for past times, like this place that was an archive to past times.
Take care in whatever you do. I love you.
[ ]Philipp
Just checking in…
[ ]Kadazaki
I discovered this site recently, The last comment here was a little over 3 years ago, I have been checking in over the last few months and will at some point look the whole site over. I wish everyone the best.
Perhaps someday a new post will pop up
Best wishes
[ ]f seine
10th Dec 2022.
11 years and one global pandemic later (in addition to the other events mentioned above) -- still checking in.
[ ]df
still here :)
[ ]Gabe G
[ ]Man this was a cool site! Come back PT! Use to check this out in collage and get inspired for art. Time flies
Gabe G
Dear pink tentacle,
[ ]I hope you are well. So much time has passed and I still remember your blog, wondering what happened to you. Its like I am not able to let this go until I know what happened. How come no one knows?
I will come back, until this is solved, the host deletes the blog or until I die.
Wishing you, and everyone else reading this, all the best! <3
Until next time ...
Still thinking of this place in 2023.
[ ]Don
[ ]July 5, 2023.
How is this still here?
checking in in 2023
[ ]Davi A
I send messages here since 2013, I still have hope is everything ok with the owner of the site.
[ ]df
still here
[ ]takkun
Funny, we've all been coming here for years off and on looking for a comeback I'm surprised the domain is still alive today maybe someone is paying to keep the memories alive, the author has to have moved on I'm hoping they're alright and living a peaceful life somewhere, you've touched many people over the years buddy thanks for the memories we'll never forget about you even if this place were to dissolve into the wilderness that's the world wide web,I'm sure you've inspired countless people to follow in your footsteps and become bloggers, you were the first blog I actually ever invested time in sayonara,it's been real.
[ ]Facundo
just taking a look to the past, and checking in for any news, 13 years later????
[ ]DanDan
This was always one of my favorite websites before going dormant. Hopefully you come back one day!
[ ]thoughtofyou
Thought of you and this blog today ... whether you are still here with us or have moved beyond this realm, you leave a void that kindly and humbly reminds one of how small shared moments in time can leave fleeting - yet everlasting impressions on one another. Although we never met, I thank you for sharing the few moments you thought of posting something to the world during the time you had.
[ ]Davi A
Year by year I come back here with hope of some news ;-(
[ ]Adam
I miss this website and its creator (who wrote excellent things about the content.) 13 years on it still pops into my head. I wish we could find the owner so they could see their legacy.
[ ]サシミ牧師
I returned to the US in 2005, after 5 years living in Nara, Japan. I luckily got hired right away at local Tennessee bilingual recruitment agency. It was a newer company and aside from a few Nissan related accounts, it had a pretty slow start up period. Besides taking advantage of the perk of free phone calls to my friends still living in Japan, I spent most of those first inactive 8:30pm to 4am shifts surfing the internet. I discovered Pink Tentacle as a result of a long forgotten Yahoo search. I immediately fell in love with the site and returned to it at least once daily, in between Myspace logins and heated arguments about different Japanese yokai on cryptomundo.com. Pink Tentacle's last update was April 19, 2011. For months a kept returning to the site in hopes that there would be new post. I left the agency in 2013 but made sure to add my website bookmarks to my new Samsung Galaxy S4. I've made sure to carry it over to each new smartphone I've purchased since then. I'll probably keep checking up until the site inevitably disappears. Love you Pink Tentacle, I'll keep on hoping.
[ ]Andrew
Just remembered this website and thought I'd leave a comment for 2024. ;) Hope everyone visiting the site and previously engaged is well and off to good things. 2011 Sure was a different time.
Should organize a Pink Tentacle Meetup somewhere international, haha. Meet old commentators and readers for a coffee. ;)
[ ]