Over the past few years, rumors have circulated in Japan about the existence of gigantic humanoid life-forms inhabiting the icy waters of the Antarctic.
Hello, Ningen
Reportedly observed on multiple occasions by crew members of government-operated "whale research" ships, these so-called "Ningen" (lit. "humans") are said to be completely white in color with an estimated length of 20 to 30 meters. Eyewitnesses describe them as having a human-like shape, often with legs, arms, and even five-fingered hands. Sometimes they are described as having fins or a large mermaid-like tail instead of legs. The only visible facial features are the eyes and mouth.
Artist's rendition of a Ningen standing upright
According to one account, crew members on deck observed what they initially thought was a foreign submarine in the distance. When they approached, however, it became clear from the irregular shape of the thing that it was not man-made -- it was alive. The creature quickly disappeared under water.
For the most part, the existence of the Ningen is considered an urban legend. Much of the information about this rumored creature can be traced back to a series of posts on the 2channel forums, written by a person describing the experience of a friend employed on a government "whale research" vessel. (Read the full Japanese text of the original story that first appeared on a 2channel forum.)
The popular thread attracted the attention of many readers from outside the 2channel community, and the November 2007 issue of MU magazine, a Japanese publication devoted to the study of paranormal phenomena, featured an article about the Antarctic humanoids.
The article speculated on the possibility of unidentified creatures inhabiting the southern seas, and it included a Google Maps screenshot showing what looks like a Ningen in the South Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Namibia.
Link: Google Maps
To date, no solid evidence has been presented to confirm the existence of the Ningen. The government is believed to have kept detailed records of the sightings, but they have released no information to the public and have reportedly instructed eyewitnesses to remain silent.
Two videos claiming to show Ningen under water have been posted on YouTube.
+ Video
+ Video
Ningen sightings seem to occur most frequently at night, making them all the more difficult to photograph. In still images, the sea cryptids mostly just look like icebergs, though it is said that their smooth, human-like skin can be seen when the photographs are enlarged.
Artist's rendition of a mermaid-like Ningen
In any case, no convincing photographs have been made public, either because they do not exist or because, as some argue, the government does not want to invite undue scrutiny and tarnish the scientific reputation of the whale research program.
[Note: This is the first in a new series of weekly posts about urban legends and unexplained phenomena from Japan. Check back next week for another report.]
Very interesting! I love reading about unexplained stuff so it'll be great to hear about Japan's theories etc. Can't wait for the next one!
[ ]Iv
Now I understand some of the inspiration between the angels of Evangelion and the importance of the south pole in the series :)
[ ]Jay
Oh man, that's exactly what I thought when I saw this! Even the south pole thing too!
[ ]I know about a lot of cryptids, but this is the first time I've ever heard about Ningen. I think the idea of cryptids posssibly inhabiting Antarctica/the surrounding waters is perfectly viable, which is why this intrigues me so much.
2012 Second Impact?
hahaha just kidding, I don't believe in 2012 ;)
@lv I was coming here to say the same thing! That's totally an angel!
[ ]Pragmatic
ME :- 20-30 meters long ? a SEA creature, which can also stand upright ??? Yeah, right.
[ ]HIM:- Sure, its heart is a turbo one; and its bones are made of titanium. No wait, it's 2-3 meters long, sorry
Agreeing with above saying it looks like an Angel from Evangelion. In fact, the artist rendition looks specifically like Lilith and above that, 2 above the videos, looks like Adam's back. And it only makes the argument that Evangelion is real since Japan's "Scientific Whaling Program" could just be code for Gehern/NERV or SEELE. Well, we'll see if Anno was right about the end of the world and was just wrong about the dates.
[ ]Derek C. F. Pegritz
Have the Japanese never seen Deep Ones before?
[ ]Cthulhusminion
The mighty and terrible Cthulhu views these pathetic attempt at horror in utter disgust!
[ ]Breogan
[ ]Adam
The third one down is kinda reminiscent of one of the final EVA/Angel units in Evangelion.
[ ]Lai
Obviously this is a sign of the impending Second Impact.
[ ]Nerf'd brain
As stated a few comments above, it looks pretty much like the Evangelion manga.
[ ]Matt
Whoa, what? Lost polar bear? A polar bear got lost and travelled to the opposite pole?
[ ]...
interesting... I'd like to see it myself... I'm going to visit japan...
[ ]brazen
seems to me to be a frozen bow wake from a large ship. how mysterious.
[ ]bzzt
this is cool but it also seems like viral marketing for the Evangelion movie that WETA is working on. then again, maybe that is just my read on it but if the movie is going to be popular in the US for people who have no idea about the series then it makes sense to do this a la "cloverfield"...people will totally go for it.
if this *is* connected to the Eva movie, then i hope they don't change the story too much and try to dumb it all down...
[ ]lau
Maybe the huge white creature appearing at the end of edgar allan poe novell "arthur gordon Pym" is one of theese
The Second Angel-Lilith?
[ ]Oh my god.
The second impact is coming!
Looks like the pokemon "Deoxys" in his defensive form =)
[ ]i must go catch =)
These are blatantly an extreme form of mushi ;)
[ ]Anadin96
Image #2 is definitely a fake, you can see a blue blur across the back where the artist has tried to blend the superimposed figure in with the background water.
[ ]Kayla
Really? I figured it was fake due to it saying "Artists' rendition." Silly me.
[ ]Merlion
[ ]Alice
The oceans are so intriguing yet creepy. For some reason it reminds me of Pokemon haha
[ ]Mary
yeah its creepy and when i first saw,it just like you,Pokemon suddenly appears on my mind >.<
[ ]Nick
I had to laugh at "tarnish the scientific reputation of the whale research program."
Outside japan, the whale "research" program is widely known for the whaling front that it is - it has no scientific output, and no reputation to tarnish. In fact, if the japanese whaling fleet were to release evidence and documentation of a newly described species, it might just prove itself to be worth more than a flotilla of abattoirs.
[ ]Nick
Where the hell does the bible say that? Chapter and verse, honey.
[ ]psi commando
greetings comrades. this is a very interesting thread. evangelion indeed. perhaps these beings exist and perhaps not. deep ones? i hope not. aliens? perhaps. why dont you be a good sport and indulge us a little more, comrade. perhaps share with us an article that is not written in kanji or katakanna, for those of us who cant read japenese? -the mind is quicker than the eye-
[ ]Amy
Kind of looks like an octopus swimming in the open water to me.
[ ]Jillian
that last picture was clearly someone in a suit. i dnt believe there is a creature out there like this. some of those pictures could be another sea creature
[ ]Kayla
It SAYS "Artist's rendition!" Why does no one on this site understand what that means??
[ ]Antreah
I find this interesting but people... please read how the pictures are labeled !!!
"Artists Rendering" does not mean this is a photograph of the creature... It simply means I heard a story and made a neat fake picture !
I believe there is probably something out there that the Japanese fishermen are seeing...
[ ]but running fake photos and claiming them to be "The Creature" is irresponsible and will discredit an otherwise well thought out site. Definitely a story to keep watching !
I just want to say that first one is just a beauty, Stay Puff Marshmallow whaleman! Hope they stay away and remain free and happy.
[ ]Badger1911
The videos are typical for such "sightings". Low quality, horrible lighting.
As for the sightings themselves, it's stated that they usually happen at night. Night at sea can be a pain in the ass. Depending on cloud cover, moon light and waves it can be literally pitch black all around. What has been seen can be anything. Most likely some kind of animals, whales maybe, maybe some floating debris and other stuff.
Reason people. Reason.
[ ]Badger1911
May I suggest to read up on how radiation works?
[ ]Mrgl-Mrgl-Mrgl
My first guess is - It's a FREAKIN MURLOC !!
[ ]Most likely "King Mrgl-Mrgl"
[ ]Af
Quick! Send for Gojira to tackle this humanoid bakemono from the deeps!
[ ]Jem
Interesting ice melt features and a squid.
where is Godzilla when he is needed???? He needs to battle these giant things!
[ ]smoke
That first picture is CLEARLY a seal. You can see the shape of the tail and flippers...
[ ]YazFidz
Gosh all of u r stupid! It's a frikkin Pokemon XD
[ ]Aha
So that's what made the bloop.
[ ]looool
[ ]Stagafulaizaha
Cryptid, humanoid, antartica, 2012...
Evangelion, anyone? =D
[ ]Jaronz
I think It was a Pokemon...(Just Kidding!!!)
[ ]I hope they show this in the News...so people will actually react about it...
And do further research...
at least you could say 'its based on evangelion' but nooo, maybe they'll believe in this TT lilith plz
[ ]Kitos
maybe a mask with seven eyes...dunno...
[ ]Karasu
Be it real or not. this scumbag brain of mine will haunt my dreams forever.
[ ]I have great fear for ocean and sea creatures bigger than an average human(except Whales and Dolphins smart-ass). and here in the Philippines we don't consider Mermaids/Sirena as passive and harmless creatures but monsters that prey on people. Now that I see this thing, I get chills down my spine thinking if this thing could be real.
This might be the real foundation of the stories about
[ ]mermaids dont you think?
that "Ningen" looks alot like the "khezu" in the game "Monster Hunter Freedom Unite"
Yeah, it does. Maybe the khezu escape to north pole and live a happy life there. LAWL.
[ ]Dan the MAN
I have to say, it actually does look like a khezu. LoL maybe Japanese radioactive shtuff is making games become life.
[ ]Or more likely : Their full of @#$%
Looks like a mermaid king ! XD
[ ]giodod
With our technology and we can't get a good picture still? It would've been acceptable maybe 10 years ago but now it's just ridiculous. GOOD PICS OR FAKE.
[ ]michaelaaaa
does this remind anyone of dr.evils submarine or lugia>?
Baby? It's dangerous!!!
[ ]Rana
Oh, and if you've ever studied the Mayan prophecies, which are the largest of the world ending prophecies for 2012, they clearly left out the leap year necessities of their calendar. The Mayan Calendar only equates for 365 days per year, not the 365.25 days per year we actually need to travel around the sun. The Mayan Prophecy, the largest and most well known world ending prophecy (the one that all the other prophecies are based on) has already passed. Another Y2K, I'm so sorry.
[ ]Tobi
Y2K problem?
Then i guess we need John Titor again?
[ ]drb
I disagree. The mayans based their calendars off natural cycles...not any kind of man made calendar, so leap years and calendar dates would have no effect on their prophecy
[ ]m0ta
[ ]is there any information??
becaUSe i lOVe THat mYsteRy StuUFFS lIKe thaT..
Looks LiKe DEOXYS to me :D hehehe
[ ]chux
agreed with you..XD
[ ]David
if these were real and the government was really hiding them I instantly raise the word ALIENS! but hey that's my pet theory and I know it's dumb, but those look like pretty cool creatures if their real
[ ]charisse
Goodness! I just googled and closed the browser right away. Very frightening indeed!
[ ]Azolot
Them are Evas of mass production from Evangelion... MYSTERY RESOLVED!!
[ ]Freedom all Sentients
Sound plausible.
[ ]Freedom all Sentients
[ ]Zeke
Emerald Weapon!
[ ]Jason
Super creepy. I love it! Nice job
[ ]yung
I think its real i just wish the government or japan would just give us more information about it, and the person that took the pic, why didnt he investigate more? Honestly if i would of seen something like that i would of made sure somebody captured that large human-like creature asap to prevent it from eating me. Another thing, whats soooo scary about kutchisake-onna? LMAO i just want to know before i look it up
[ ]Nitorem
I agree with you..and there's always the government who will do everything to hide anything which is unexpalinable.
[ ]Gunteroooo
I hope the penguins aren't in danger.
[ ]Cthulhu
This looks like a Lovecraft based creature, probably a myth to cover up whaling
[ ]lol
Not in russia. In ukraine. Or thereabouts.
[ ]andres
omg! its blue from hellboy!
[ ]Potatoman
Ew god a mermaid...
[ ]Parnom
Dude 95% of the ocean is undiscovered you cant say they are not real.For all you know they could be/
[ ]Anonymous-san
its true that these creatures are from water, but i dont think they will harm people.
[ ]Dan the MAN
Lol, so true.
[ ]Yana
(This article is really old. Goodness. I'm not sure if my comment will be accepted.)
I was watching a Japanese video earlier and a marine biologist in the video brought up one of these photographs. He noted that the existence of these creatures may be remotely plausible as a result of genetic mutation occurring 50 million years ago and mentioned that it probably originated near Pakistan, but he didn't explicitly say he believed it was real.
For the record: From what I understand, these actually aren't called "ningen" (人間). The biologist addressed them as "humanoid" (人型 (hitogata), literally meaning "human shape"; when referring to these creatures in specific, it's usually written in Katakana (ヒトガタ) rather than Kanji).
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