On March 22, a group of Japanese scientists released details of an ambitious proposal calling for the large-scale production of bioethanol made from cultivated seaweed.
Researchers from Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Mitsubishi Research Institute, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and several other private-sector firms envision a 10,000 square kilometer (3,860 square mile) seaweed farm at Yamatotai, a shallow fishing area in the middle of the Sea of Japan. They claim a farm of this scale could produce about 20 million kiloliters (5.3 billion gallons) of bioethanol per year, which is equivalent to one-third the 60 million kiloliters (16 billion gallons) of gasoline that Japan consumes each year.
Seaweed has long been discussed as a potential source of bioethanol, which is typically made from crops such as sugar cane and corn, but the idea has never been brought to fruition. According to the proposal, giant nets used in nori and wakame seaweed cultivation would be laid out to cultivate sargasso seaweed (hondawara), which grows rapidly. Floating bioreactors -- special facilities that use enzymes to break the seaweed down into sugars -- would prepare the seaweed for conversion into ethanol, which would also be done at sea. Tankers would then transport the ethanol to land.
The main components of seaweed are fucoidan and alginic acid. While an enzyme for breaking down fucoidan has already been discovered, the scientists are looking for an enzyme that breaks down alginic acid. They are also looking at the possibility of using genetic modification technology.
The group is also conducting research on how to develop the production plants and attract investment. Other participants in the project include NEC Toshiba Space Systems, Mitsubishi Electric, IHI, Sumitomo Electric Industries, Shimizu Corporation, Toa Corporation, Kanto Natural Gas Development Co., Ltd., and the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC).
The researchers claim that in addition to serving as a source of fuel, the seaweed would help clean up the Sea of Japan. According to Professor Masahiro Notoya from Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, the seaweed would work to remove some of the excess nutrient salts that flow into the sea from the surrounding land masses.
Professor Notoya will formally present the proposal at the International Seaweed Symposium, which is set to begin on March 26 in Kobe, Japan.
[Source: Fuji Sankei]
Cool! kabababrubarta
[ ]dafuzz
Solve one problem, create another. Seaweed sounds like a great source of fuel for Japan, which doesn't have the land needed to grow corn or sugar. But does anyone see the problem with a refining and distribution system floating alongside a 4,000 sq. mi. patch of seaweed over a fertile fishing area? Sayonara, fishies. This would be like destroying the rainforest to grow corn for fuel.
[ ]Luis Larrea, Jr.
I completely agree with you dafuzz. 33% might seem like a worth while figure to go after but 4k sq mi is nearly if not bigger than the entire mainland of the US. At first I was thinking this was interesting, not yet imagining the land mass but just take a look at any map and glance at the mi/km key. Freaking insane!
[ ]dafuzz
Actually 4,000 sq. mi. would be something like 80 x 50 mi. Not quite the size of the continental US, but still one helluva seaweed patch! ;)
[ ]Turbofrog
The US is 6,000,000 square miles. Even Japan's area is 150,000 square miles.
4,000 sq. mi. is quite large, but in relative terms it's tiny, especially compared the cropland that would be required to produce an equivalent amount of ethanol on land.
[ ]Greenkermie
This would provide 15 days worth of gasoline for the US at current consumption rates of 387 million gallons a day. Think we could make one 24x as big? 48,000 square feet? How efficient is it compared to microalgae?
[ ]Name
Its sure is amazing though
[ ]DR Israel Levy
I am very much interested in BioFuel from seaweeds.
[ ]Any interest and exchanging information will be wellcomed by me.
My company (NoriTech- seaweeds biotechnologiea ltd.) is dealing with growing Nori in ponds on land and we can also grow several other seaweeds for the purpos of BioFuel.
We are in the process of patenting and building renewable energy pump and are exploring the options of using pond acquaculture for seaweed and or algae for consumption or as source of biofuel, I would be interested to talk about opportunities
[ ]K.Sivaram
I am very much interested in BioFuel from seaweeds.We have enough water body and land to cultivate and produce biofuel.Any transfer of technology or join venture is appreciated.
[ ]itishree
i am doing Msc. biotechnology and i am very much interested in the project of bioethanol from marine algae.i need some information about this plz help me.
[ ]Lilibeth Callo
I am doing a research paper regarding seaweeds active ingredients. I need some information about this please help me.
[ ]Uncle B
The Sargasso sea is huge! Just send a factory ship out and harvest it! The plastics that have collected on the oceans might be a resource one day too! Oil barons beware, we are going to win!
[ ]Mark at MIB Studios
I understand that corn produces about 350 gal of alc per acre vs Cattails that produce about 7,000 gal per acre and can also be used as a natural way to clean sewage and create great fertilizer in the process. The Cattail byproducts can be used as animal feed and / or fertilizer also. In comparison, seaweed seems to yield far less energy (gal per acre) and be far harder to transform (via enzymes that you must buy vs grow or ??? yourself as that is too difficult I am told). I do want to use seaweed if possible since I am on or near the ocean a lot,,, but it seems the information is very lacking thus far.
[ ]Roana
Hi. I am a student in a high school in Ottawa, Canada. I am doing a big project on biofuels and we tried to grow microalgae but it`s too slow. We are thinking about buying seaweeds now to extract the oil and I have many questions about the growth and extraction. What percentage of oil/mass is extracted? How much sugar is in the seaweed? What conditions do i need to keep it in? (i do not have an ocean near me) How much seaweed do I need to have about 2 cups of oil? I really need all the deatils i get get!! any help at all is greatly appreciated! thanks!
Ro + Em.
[ ]henry paiva
Please I need more information about it I really need help...many thanks
[ ]Muruganantham
I am very much interested to get info on fermentation of seaweeds and BioFuel from seaweeds.
[ ]louie
Hi, im a highschool student from the philippines. I am very intrested in using seaweed for our project in chemistry. I need help on these parts though: to extract the oil and growth and extraction of the seaweed. Thank you very much, Please reply:)
[ ]marc torrades
hi louie
[ ]i think you have to predigested seaweed with enzymes (think who eat seaweed efficiently, collect these from there guts), then , use yeast for fermentation, then distillate and that it, good luck.