The skyfish (also known as "rod" or "flying rod") is a type of cryptid that flies through the air at speeds faster than the human eye can see. Here are two promotional videos (with English subtitles) for a set of Japanese DVDs documenting how to catch skyfish.
Video 1: How To Catch A Skyfish (Japan)
Video 2: How To Catch A Skyfish (International)
About halfway through the second video, one of the skyfish hunters shows off his spoodle, a special tool used for catching skyfish. According to this spoodle website, there are 100 ways to use the tool -- including a number of practical uses not related to catching skyfish. A set of two spoodles and a skyfish decoy sells for 57,454 yen (US$499).
Visit the Skyfish Maniax website for details on how to purchase the DVDs (which do not yet appear to have been subtitled in English).
You mean, there are really people buying those rods for ... 499$?
[ ]Kyle
Wait, did those skyfish destory that guys life? The guy from USA, so he went to shoot one?
[ ]Edo
- These are supposed to be "mockumentary" films, so I doubt anyone would seriously want to pay $499 for a pair of spoodles. Can't say for sure, though.
- In the second video, it looks like the guy with the gun is taking revenge for his partner's death. I guess we have to watch the DVD to know what really happened.
[ ]Dekotoran
I guess skyfish are a full load of donkey diapers.
[ ]fredero
i agree about them being a load of #¤%, atleast these videos. Now if they could show me one guy who actually has a skyfish in his hand or a dead one or a caught one i would be very interested...
[ ]????
???? ????? ??????
[ ]onochan
well ... i thought the whole skyfish deal was not totally for real ... till last night ... here in japan ... my husband and i witnessed one UP CLOSE - geh ... all i can say is, people, do not think YAY or NAY on issues till you get first hand experiences -- im still in shock over the ordeal ... i just cant believe it ... SKYFISH do exist! What kind of species it is, NO IDEA! but we are now "believers" that skyfish DO exist. As far as catching one? hah! this lil sucker flew off and hovered at a distance in a split second! I do not see how ANYONE can catch these suckers! I feel rather blessed we got to see one first hand. (Blessed that is, IF they are not harmful.)
[ ]Juan
Hello Onochan,
I assume you saw the skyfish flying in front of your face? At first i thought you were saying that you saw a skyfish that had been caught or perhaps one collected that was dead.
[ ]Could you describe what you saw in more detail? did you notice any smell or perhaps any sounds? What was its size? Do you think it is just an insect or something more?
Bob Marley
I think its all a big load of my ass flying towards your face at high speeds.
[ ]Arramon777
So has anyone seen this video yet? Does it show the skyfish being caught? Proof, yes? =/
You can see them in whatever videos you wanna watch, they're in it. Those catchers in these videos are cool looking. Different designs and whatnot. I got the police (black and white guys) as sarcasm to the extreme. I gotsa chuckle outta that. The guy was gonna shoot them... funny.
I just wanna see them on the video after they were caught by whatever device they used. Like the dude in Germany who climbed into some cave.
[ ]davery
C'mon, people, don't be retards. "Skyfish" or "rods" or whatever you want to call them are nothing but bugs flying faster than the exposure time in video or a single frame camera. This is just stupid.
[ ]Stoo
That you believe this lame explanation shows your complete ignorance on the subject.
I'd be ashamed to be that gullible and to actually show it to the world if I was you.
[ ]Stoo
and LOL, the second video, at 1:44, this is actually a metal stick used to hold the wires of an electrical fence to prevent cattle from running wild in fields LOL
[ ]Mojojojo
Goddamn skyfish ran off with my wife and clear out my bank accounts. If I had a gun, I'd shoot it too!
[ ]Angelo Michael
Sky fish is a name given to them by Jose Escamillia , a filmmaker who re discovered them using modern digital video camera with night shot and a technique he developed. I know him well and have been researching them for many years. I doubt seriously that anyone has caught one, they are an inorganic intelligent energy field not an organic animal. They are plasmatic beings that exist in 4 d and 5 d just at the edge of the visible spe ctrum and extremely fast.
I say rediscovered because they were here before the formation of earth or humanity. They were well known by the ancient Gnostics , were written about extensively by St. Philip in the Nag Hammadi codices ( Christ showed us the way to free ourselves from them .The Gospel of Philip is profound , it describes different types in detail the way they look and their behaviour.
They are very intelligent mind parasites capable of projecting thoughts in the human mind. We were warned. Unfortunately for us more than 1300 Gnostic Saints were executed by the Constatine Regime in 325 A.D. Around the time the Council of Nicea were deciding the content of the Bible ( the bible is still the good book in spite of their tampering) They were mainly called the Archons. Some referred to as vipers and the principalities of the air. Most of the Gnostic books were burned at the Library of Alexander leaving only a few hidden books and plunging us into the Dark Ages . It wasn't an accident.
Muhammad called them the Jinn and also warned us of them. The Quran (another good book) has 4 chapters written on them, these chapters are untainted as Muhammad didn't have to deal with the Council. There is much debate about some chapters of the Quran being manipulated but not those chapters.
Much more is written in The Pistis Sophia describing how they were created and who we really are. (Most cannot understand the book it's Coptic , John Lash does a good interpretation ) they are described as locusts like.
Thoth also warned us , these beings contributed greatly to the sinking of Atlantis, that they takeover the minds of our leaders and actually take over kill them off and lead us to destruction. They can and do shapeshift and are capable of many forms. The White Magi defeated them with a chant that made them lose frequency shape shifting back to their normal state for all to see.
Understand that they are intelligent parasitic force , hive mind for the most part but have free will, deeply hate humanity. They feed off of negative human energy, they also infect ET's . War zones attract them in large numbers . They are responsible for most wars and have contributed greatly to the human condition . They also have been seen around hi voltage lines and transformers and can suck the heat out of room. They steal souls.
They are restricted to this solar system by the Aeons and their main base is Saturn. The Demiurge or King Archon actually created this solar system with the exception of the earth Sun and Moon. They have free reign in this solar system but most cannot survive on earth for long periods ,02 is a toxin for them. They cannot invade us in a military force way, they rely on deception, stealth, distraction and the human vulnerability . In spite of many attempts to cross breeding with humans and the tales of such Gnostics said they were not successful, this is a deception , but apparently they are still trying .
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