In 1973, Japanese psychedelic prog rock pioneers Flower Travellin' Band played their last show at Maruyama Park in Kyoto. The show came shortly after the release of their final album "MAKE UP," and after the cancellation of their scheduled Japan tour with the Rolling Stones (immigration officials refused Mick Jagger a visa). Pieces of the wild final performance were captured on 8mm film. The music here is "Satori - Part II" from the legendary Satori album (1971).
A 1969 Chunichi News piece entitled "Rock and Youth" profiled eccentric frontman Joe Yamanaka, who was 22 years old at the time. In the report, Joe -- a former professional boxer and fashion model who says his African-American/Japanese blood flows with the essence of rock 'n' roll -- professes a deeper love for explosive rock than for sentimental enka. The music here is a supercharged version of Muddy Waters' "Louisiana Blues," from Flower Travellin' Band's "Anywhere" album (1970).
Flower Travellin' Band reunited this year -- 35 years after their last show in Kyoto -- and are putting together a new album. They are scheduled to play at Fuji Rock Festival this summer.
[Photo: Joe Yamanaka]