Japanese toy giant Bandai is set to release a series of nifty kanji figures that transform into the shapes of the animals they represent. The shape-shifting critters, called Mojibakeru (moji means "character" and bakeru means "to change"), come in six varieties -- 犬 (dog), 虎 (tiger), 魚 (fish), 馬 (horse), 鳥 (bird) and 竜 (dragon) -- and are available in black, white, yellow and blue.
Inubakeru - The 犬 (inu, "dog") kanji transforms into a dog
Torabakeru - The 虎 (tora, "tiger") kanji transforms into a tiger
Uobakeru - The 魚 (uo/sakana, "fish") kanji transforms into a fish
Umabakeru - The 馬 (uma, "horse") kanji transforms into a horse
Toribakeru - The 鳥 (tori, "bird") kanji transforms into a bird
Ryūbakeru - The 竜 (ryū, "dragon") kanji transforms into a dragon
The collectible toys will be priced at 100 yen (about $1) each when they hit shelves in Japan next week.
Want to buy Mojibakeru? Email shop@pinktentacle.com for details.
That's soo funny. I want. I want!
[ ]Nessie
What a great way to learn kanji! Especially for spacial thinkers.
[ ]L.N.Hammer
Oh my. WANT.
It's like the perfect camouflage -- when in trouble, hide in a book or a sign or something.
[ ]Patrick B
Now just tell me where I can get them. I want them!!!!!!!!
[ ]Verythrax
Awesomely cool!
just $1? Are they like capsule toys, or can them be chosen before buying?
I'm so ordering this! ;)
thanks for the tip!
[ ]watashimo
Whoa! Great idea. Time to troll the 100yen stores.
[ ]J ã§ã™
These are awesome, I remember similar toys from germany (i think) that were just like these but letters and numbers. I had a red and white number 1
[ ]Antonio Fidalgo
A nice and funny way to learn basic kanji.
[ ]Very cute indeed.
Is it just me, or is it slightly odd that the dragon turns into a winged European dragon?
[ ]Bento_Boxx
Though it says 100 yen, don't expect it to be $1.00 in U.S.
[ ]Including all the fees, and s/h, the total, correct me if I'm mistakened,
for one box (1x unit) will be about $7-8. A whole box containing
20 boxes (20x units) will be about $18. I still think its worth it. :b
Nice and intresting.
[ ]ãれㄠã§ã™.
Lily Memphis II
This is incredibly cute! They're also very inexpensive, but it makes me wonder what size they are. Does anyone know?
Nice find!
[ ]Darla
I inquired and discovered the size is about 2" high by 2" wide when in Kanji form. I can hardly wait to get them! In case anyone is wondering, the colors are random. I'm ordering two of each in case a wayward coworker covets them. :)
[ ]purnama
A nice and funny way to learn basic kanji.
[ ]Very cute indeed.
Still have stock for this set now ????? I want to buy 1 set....................
[ ]Rick
1$? Has this been produced by enslaved bangladeshi workers or made in a sweatshop in china?
[ ]