Takeuchi Taijin's "A wolf loves pork" is a mind-boggling stop-motion animation piece created from hundreds, if not thousands, of printed photographs that traverse the walls and furniture of a one-room apartment.
[Link: A wolf loves pork.]
Takeuchi Taijin's "A wolf loves pork" is a mind-boggling stop-motion animation piece created from hundreds, if not thousands, of printed photographs that traverse the walls and furniture of a one-room apartment.
[Link: A wolf loves pork.]
I love this video. Really creative.
[ ]mlj
Pure awesomeness~!
[ ]Nik Gupta
Started reading your blog recently (found it randomly in a Google Image search for tentacles (don't ask)). Thanks for highlighting some really cool stuff, especially this one :)
[ ]dj
BRAVO!! that was excellent! do more!
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