Tetsujin 28-gō, the famous Japanese robot manga series written and illustrated by Mitsuteru Yokoyama, ran as a monthly insert in Shōnen Magazine from July 1956 to May 1966. The manga follows the adventures of a 10-year-old boy named Shotarō and his giant crime-fighting robot named Tetsujin 28 (a.k.a "Gigantor" in the US), which was originally built by the boy's late father as a secret weapon for the Japanese military during World War II.
Here are some scans of the manga covers (from the mook Yokoyama Mitsuteru Manga Taizen).
July 1956
September 1956 [+] // October 1956 [+]
February 1957 [+] // April 1957 [+]
August 1957 [+] // October 1957 [+]
November 1957 [+] // December 1957 [+]
April 1958 [+] // November 1958 [+]
June 1958 [+] // December 1958 [+]
March 1959 [+] // July 1959 [+]
August 1959 [+] // September 1959 [+]
April 1960 [+] // June 1960 [+]
July 1960 [+] // August 1960 [+]
October 1960 [+] // November 1960 [+]
December 1960
March 1961 [+] // August 1961 [+]
November 1961
January 1962 [+] // May 1962 [+]
February 1962
September 1962 [+] // December 1962 [+]
August 1962
February 1963 [+] // April 1963 [+]
November 1963 [+] // December 1963 [+]
January 1964 [+] // July 1964 [+]
Will @ AJRMS
So good. Thank you for sharing.
[ ]Matthew Meyer
Awesome! I love your art posts. Thanks for sharing this one. :)
[ ]Puffedhell
I just wet myself.
[ ]Hei Li
If these pieces excite you, you should really pick up Yoshihiro Tatsumi's "A Drifting Life". It's a beautiful graphic novel that depicts the lives of pivotal manga artists during their hey day. You will not be disappointed. It's beautiful book and a very interesting read.
Thanks for the post!
[ ]Toby
Incredible. Reminds me of Soviet style art.
[ ]lupe!
gracias, muy lindo
[ ]tf
[ ]anonymous
Hello, I was wondering how (or if) I could somehow get a copy of these in the USA. I've done some research and can't find anything. Are there collections out?
[ ]Anime Discussion Online
Is it just me or did anyone else notice the KKK in the background of one of the panals? ;s
[ ]thatkid
Im suprised that they didnt reformat and translate it for american audiences during the dubs popularity. Then agin there were parents angry at the time due to the shows "violence" andthe KKK looking guys, but still. Not to mention a 10 year ol;d boy carrying a machine gun.
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