Japanese artist Isao Hashimoto's "1945-1998" is an animated map showing the 2,053 nuclear explosions that took place around the world during the 20th century, from the detonations at Alamogordo, Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 to the tests conducted by India and Pakistan in 1998.
+ Video: "1945-1998" by Isao Hashimoto
The month and year are displayed in top right corner, and the number of nuclear explosions for each country appear next to the flags in the margins. The total is displayed in the bottom right corner.
The numbers reveal that, on average, 1 nuclear explosion occurred every 9.6 days during the 54-year period, with the greatest activity in 1958 and 1962.
The time map does not include the two nuclear tests conducted by North Korea in October 2006 and May 2009, nor does it include the dozens of subcritical nuclear tests (explosions that do not produce a sustained nuclear chain reaction) conducted in recent years by the US/UK and Russia.
That was VEEEERY interesting.
[ ]JTA
Where is the Israeli detonation?
[ ]Nick
This only shows the officially recorded tests
[ ]daveyjones
this map also does not show south africa's supposed test in 1979.
[ ]john
Does the white area depict actual nuclear contamination?
[ ]Einstein
I would have to assume the fallout from these nuclear tests would actually be much much larger than the explosion. Usually nuclear fallout is depending on wind currents, temp, etc. For instance on a hot day with an updraft of heat from the earth. Say something very typical in the Nevada desert, wink, wink. Then add the fact that nearly always the wind travels from west to east, or more like Northeast. One could assume they pretty much covered America in fallout.
Now someone needs to do another one of these factoring in the decline in health and average life expectancy in these areas and any areas that are downwind. It is my assumption that the majority of problems and diseases affecting america today are a direct result of their mistakes, combined with the unregulated use of chemicals, plastics, etc.
God help us all.
[ ]Rex
Fallout does not occur with below ground/water testing, which is what most of these were. There is contamination but it is localized in below ground tests.
[ ]Mitch
I dont consider a desert tropical, low humidity..
[ ]Joel
F... 2000 bombs . God! wtf is wrong with US and chinesse people? Are they retarded or what?
[ ]God!!!!!!!!!!! They are so stupid, it makes me feel angry!!!!!!!! Both countries who are "admired" I don't know why. people admired coutries who have lunched two hundred nuclear bombs, people admired countries whose armies have wipeout more people than any other armies in the world. people admired countries(And this one is for the us) whose products and culture are complete shi*. People is crazy, or just retarted beacause of the effects of the bombs I guess. God, we are .. NO they are the ARCHITECTS of our own destruction.
I'm so pissed my head is starting to hurt. So idiotic, so lame....
Don't confuse USSR with China.
[ ]Joel
I won't I promess
[ ]Risu
Trust me, where i'm from, we hold America in the same light as China, and Russia, and every other one of the f-wit nations that decided to poison our planet.
[ ]Marvin M. Artian
Are you from Mars or Uranus?
I second Risu. Clearly from a not mentally unstable country.
No offense but you are stupider then stupid because China only released like 45 bombs, not even close to how much US launched. Before you make fun of chinese people, think of what you say first. When people read this, I hope they realize how stupid your making yourself sound. :) Have a good day.
[ ]0dd0wnage
People like you make me sick. Is your IQ in the negatives? Must be if you cant realize which flag belongs with which country even when you could search it up. People who talk garbage without proof are so stupid these days.
[ ]Leroy
Joel dont be jealous china makes all kinds of things. Without China's child labour, you'd be naked. Another thing, its not sh**, most of their stuff are amazing but ur just stupid you dont know how they work. Please get off this site since your proof and thinking is clearly retarded.
[ ]Phil
Sigh, disturbing. Being an American has meant growing up with a massive amount of guilt and a huge chip on my shoulder to make a difference. The worst part is most of us don't care. Or, we feel like there's nothing that can be done. Revolutions, rebellions, standing up... it feels like it's not even possible. We've been bought off. I hope to make a difference someday but honestly, don't count on this country to lead the way anymore.
Hell, I'm sure no one wants the US in this spot except us. Good luck future generations, I pity you =/
[ ]maxvonbogus
Much ado about nothing. Mutual assured destruction has kept us (the world) safe all these years. Now, today, what the world should be alert to is the country of Iran. The religious moon-bat leaders in that country pose the greatest danger the world has ever seen. I like the >people< of Iran, but, again, their leaders are insane. Now is the time for the world to ban together to stop their nuclear-bomb capabilities before it's too late.
BTW, the USA has nothing to apologize about. We have given our treasure and blood to ensure the world remain free from Imperial Japan, Nazis and Communist takeover. Remember that ever country we conquered, we went in afterward and helped rebuild it.
Our sun will do more damage to this planet than the sum of all nuclear explosions thus far. Not referring to the supposed depletion of the ozone layer. Instead, plasma and electrons from solar storms (Coronal Mass Ejection) that cannot be stopped.
Enjoy life. This planet can rejuvenate itself. It has for millions of years.
[ ]jellysmokes
Fear, fear, fear. It was FEAR that kept the world safe for so long! And now it's important for us all to fear Iran.
Seriously though, why should the world listen to America preach about who should and should not be allowed to have nukes? How many do you have in your stockpiles?
However, if you ever find a way to disarm yourself and truly commit to ridding the world of nuclear weapons, the world will unite behind you in a way never before seen.
BTW, you make an excellent point about our planet's ability to heal itself. We humans have a tendency to overestimate our power. Earth will outlive us all. Peace.
[ ]cies
sorry maxvonbogus, but i have to disagree..
iran's leaders are not to be judged by your standards, you can do so, but they should be (and are) judged by the standards of the iranians.
same for the US, president bush jr was a moron by my standards -- too stupid to shit in my opinion AND a total sellout to big (oil+weapon) business. but many in the US support(ed) him. in the eyes of many he's a war criminal, more so then the president of iran (who as not started a war yet).
who has most nuclear bombs? US. who tested most? US. who dared to use them in war? US. who spawened most international war activities last 30 years? US. who yells harderst that other cannot have nuclear weapons? US.
sorry, but the US is a big joke when it comes to international policy. and national policy is just an equal joke. i was shocked to see it is in many aspects more like india then like europe: a huge divide between poor (public school/health/lawyers) and rich (private everything). i heard canada and australia are not like this, they are more social nations.
i hope you give up yr passive attitude one day and try to make this place nicer by effort based on love. instead of believing the message of fear your media/govt/etc provide you with.
take care of yr heart+mind!
[ ]Joel
Cies, you are idiot.
Of course you have never been tortured by the Japanese soldier during the WW2. I'm so goddamn old now, I wasn't even a soldier. I was just an Australian kid who happen to live in Singapore back then, I escaped to Bali and lived in Indonesia which was also invaded by the Japanese back then, it was also hard because the Indonesian back then also hates Caucasians, that is why I ran to Bali, so I won't get killed by either the Japanese or the Indonesian. I already forgive the Japanese for their mistakes, but if you think US did something wrong, then f**k you. I would have been dead or enslaved by the Japanese if they weren't bombed.
[ ]Sean
I'm Australian too and a little sick of this old chestnut. Cies is 100% right.
The Japanese were ALREADY ready to surrender prior to the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Truman rushed the bombs to completion in order to send a VERY strong message to the rest of the world - most notably Russia. It was nothing to do with 'ending the war'. The US inflicted FAR more damage to Tokyo with carpet bombing of entire cities - including Tokyo.
What most Europeans tend to forget is that Japan was their Ally before, during and after World War 1. How quickly a friend becomes a foe because business interests dictate.
[ ]wally
As vet WW2, in the So. pacific. those Japs we'nt about cede to unconditinal surrender. In mid 1945 the saying was the "Golden Gate by '48",Stick that in your pipe and smoke it. Cry Babies
This nonsense again? Parts of the Japanese government extended some feelers about surrender, but other parts of the government were dead set against it and prepared to fight to the death. The government remained divided on what to do even AFTER Hiroshima; to prove this you need look no further than the attempted coup d'etat that occured when the emperor finally decided to surrender, after the two bombings.
The firebombing of Japan killed 500 000 people, made 5 million homeless. 67 major cities were firebombed, 31 of them had more than half their buildings destroyed. This is far more damage by all metrics than the nuclear bombs and it did not end the war.
Of course. Japan was needed to destroy Russia and then Germany.
And then suddenly it got plans of its own. Oh that should have been stopped of course! Only Europe and America have a right to decide what should others do.
And in 1945, it surrendered because of Soviet advance in Manchuria, not because of bomb. It was evident that if Japan doesn't surrender, it will be occupied by Soviets.
Hi Joel :-)
who cares about YOU, about your fate, haeh? You! So what! How many _unnamed_ civilian fates are YOU bashing away since korea/vietnam/panama/iraq/afghanistan? How many civilian fates did the yanks threaten since WW2? You feel thankful for the americans having saved your cheap life for the price of thousands in japan. No, no, no, your are the idiot (if you mean to call someone names for his opinion). And BTW: What did you or your parents do in Singapore, then? I believe, they made good money on the shoulders of low-payed indigenes. So why should those indigenes be blamed when chasing 'modern' colonialists???
cies' comment shows a clear external view, you're just looking at your own little fate.
[ ]Nim
Forget with modern day war, lets talk about WW2.
Actually it wasn't only a few cheap life. I'm Indonesian. Japan was invading my nation, and even after they got bombed, they still won't leave. They were not going to surrender, you all can check any sources about WW2, after the 2nd bomb, the emperor was ready to surrender. But, his people were not, they even staged assassination to kill the emperor for surrendering. Personally, I can't believe and many old veteran here can't believe if Japan was going to surrender back then.
I think all the life taken during world war 2 by the Japanese and the life lost when the bomb fell, is equal. I remember how my dad tell me his girlfriend back then was taken from Java to be prostituted in Japan by the army, and how the Japanese soldier chopped off his arm... and the heads of his friends.... yeah, I got one armed war veteran dad.
Let's not confuse it with modern wars. We all okay with Japan now.
And lets eliminate all the nukes.
Sure, the planet will rejuvenate - but we might not be around to see it.
[ ]JC
The US has not helped every country it's destroyed. It only helped the nations where it wanted to establish a strategic military presence (Iraq, Okinawa, Germany, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Portugal, etc.). Read up on your history. We trashed Afghanistan in the eighties in order to help topple the USSR and never helped them rebuild. Besides, you speak of conquering as being a good thing? A pretty warped way of thought... You and 'ol Tricky Dick Cheney would make a great couple! I know that the people of the US have been sold out by their leaders in the past 50 years. The US is the king of propaganda. The idea that their way of living is the only way to live is absurd. It's time to rise above this insanity and stop behaving as sheep being led to slaughter. It is time for a change. It's time for peace. Is this war bullsht getting old or is it just me? There was a time that war was necessary... WWII... But now I feel we are fighting only for the corporations. Let's not forget that it's the largest business on the planet with the biggest revenues. You can never justify the damage done by all these nuclear tests.
[ ]lim
maxvonbogus, I agree with you.
[ ]We must ban nuclear bombs. But lets not scream and cry over the bombs that already exploded. They are the foundation to our free-to-speak-and-think world today. We would have been killed for speaking in the internet (or anywhere else) if it weren't because of those bombs.
If they're so great, why get rid of them?
[ ]lim
The problem is there are crazy people out there who never get their hands on atomic bomb, and will eventually nuke the shit out of everyone without any proper reason or extended consideration if they ever had their hands on nuclear. One such example is Iran (Ahmadinejad), Venezuela (Chaves), Cuba (I dunno, sorry).
[ ]Not US or Russia, knowing this Nagasaki Hiroshima thing. They are going to be pretty smart not to bomb enemy nations so they can invade it later. That's why US never nuke Iraq.
Looks like America had the most and, I'll presume, the best. The rest of the west is lucky to have us on their side. Cool.
[ ]Likeitis
May God have mercy on your soul, Altarboy.
[ ]What the hey?
I'm not quite sure the native Americans would agree ;-)
[ ]Lee
Remember most of the US were Deep Under Ground or Under Water, so the Fallout would be little to none.
Also the cold war was nasty, and we are luck to have survived, but we as always learn the most while at war.
Welcome to being human.
[ ]jna
Missing from this data set are the over 500 bomb tests in and around nevada prior to 1945.
[ ]Neil
"Missing from this data set are the over 500 bomb tests in and around nevada prior to 1945."
Sorry, the test near Alamogordo, New Mexico, was the first nuclear explosion by human beings.
[ ]Soylent
What a bizzare belief. Suffice to say, you're wrong; they did not have enough U-235 available from their primitive calutrons, gaseous diffusion enrichment had not picked up speed and their plutonium producing reactors were primitive, air-cooled graphite piles into which uranium slugs were pushed by hand using a pole.
[ ]Mark
This was like the scene from Close Encounters.
[ ]Yommt LLahsram
I am surprised, that there is any of that region, in the US left.
[ ]Varenius
You either overestimate the size of a nuclear blast, or underestimate the size of the US!
Keep in mind that after the Partial Test Ban Treaty of 1963 the vast majority of these tests were underground. (Not distinguishing between aboveground and underground is one shortcoming of the video.)
[ ]plin
This video really illustrates what the code war was about. From the looks of the map it looks like a lot of explosion took place in the Nevada area. I wonder what is the environment impact of all the nuclear testing in the desert.
[ ]Haydensophie
Since 1945 our world has been suffered a lot of "experiences" of new weapons developed to keep the hegemony of some nations above others. The USA dropped two bombs over civilian targets in Japan for a simple test of these weapons. Asia in fact is the field test of weapons for americans, see Fat Man and Little Boy in WWII, see napalm and Orange Agent over Vietnan, see the Daisy cutters and the MOABs over Afghanistan and Iraq, all are tests. This video is just the top of the iceberg. There are much more powerful weapons and ways to destroy enemies (it means entire nations and its populations). Sadly this running will not have an end in the sooner future. We have just one chance: Or all nations develop their own atomic nukes, or the nations who have must destroy every single one of them. Unfortunately I don't believe in the second choice.
[ ]- Haydensophie
Dr. Weeaboo
Why are you all so committed to these different countries? Do you think a different country would have acted differently if it was in a particular position? The world isn't so easily categorized as good and evil. The US and USSR were convinced that the other was EVIL and out to destroy them and they built up these huge arsenals and brought mayhem and destruction throughout the world meddling in all sorts of different countries because they thought that their way of life was going to be destroyed if they didn't. That doesn't make what they did okay, but rather than judge, wouldn't it be better to try and understand why things happened so we can prevent them from happening in the future?
The same thing is true with the US and the Middle East today. Many people (though certainly not all) in both countries think the other wants to destroy them. I have heard this from both sides of the conflict. But really they don't want to destroy each other. They just want to protect themselves. If they could only see that their position is more or less the same as the people they are trying to fight, then maybe there could be a real solution rather than endless fighting. But I guess there isn't much hope for that when even on a message board like this, everyone wants to point a finger of blame at everyone else rather than think about a way that they could try and help nuclear disarmament go forward.
If you want change and you want the world to be a safe place, you have to fight for it. History's already happened but the future is in front of us. You want the rest of the world not to hate you and want to destroy you? Then you have to show them that you're something worth liking and respecting rather than destroying. People rise up and take down governments that they fear. They don't do that to governments that they love.
[ ]Alexey
It's the problem of everyone.
[ ]But no one is as completely blind as Americans are. They mostly just don't seem to understand that there can exist another point of view. They feel themselves justified by two centuries of prosperity. And they don't understand why so many people in the world fear them and hate them.
Please please please don't use the nation's name where you (should) mean government or international politics. Besides, most likely they do understand, but they want to get what they want no matter what.
[ ]And certainly they do understand "why so many people in the world fear them and hate them." They just don't let it interfere in their actions.
USA: "stay away from our oil Japan" = WW2
USA: "we need more oil" = IRAQ/AFGHANISTAN WARS
USA: "oil is running out again, shit, let's make new enemies with oil-rich countries" = ...
... who will be the next lucky contestant ...
[ ]Farhenheit451
[ ]Poetic realist
weaabo though i wish that were the case your very naive. Hayden...what???! oil maggots, too true dude. farhenheit....wth is that?
[ ]jd
I met a man who told me that he had flown during WW2 in Oz collecting samples of radiation from bombs over Oz. I have no reason to doubt him.
[ ]John
Atomic bombs are Pandora's boxes, they give off a lot of radioactive waste that spread rapidly and keep active long ...
The USSR during the Cold War came to detonate a low power atomic bomb on a division of the army, to study the negative effects ...
Eu aposto que os restantes paises fizeram coisas deploraveis...
[ ]Soylent
Crocodile tears; over a thousand above-ground nuclear tests and it didn't even raise the backround level of radiation by 1% above the natural. In comparison, medical tests double the yearly amount of radiation a person experiences in Europe or the US(I do not include radiotherapy cancer treatment in this; just diagnostics).
[ ]lord Stockton
I note none o fthe Australian tests eg Montebello Is (WA) or Woomera (in SA) are shown.
[ ]Corey
yes they are at around 3:34
[ ]Irwing
good information, but the video is so boring and slow
[ ]David
Excellent Video. 1 test and 2 strikes yielded well over 2000 tests.
The length of the video shows the arms race.
Unfortunately two were used in warfare against civilians.
Fortunately they are very expensive to build and maintain.
Fortunately governments understand these weapons are an end game.
The five permanent Nations of the fifteen member Nations on the United Nations Security Council are: US, Brittan, Russia, China and France. Each has the right of Veto. Your video shows why. It has been very difficult for these Nations to agree and pull back their stockpiles.
Collectively they still more weapons than cities on this planet.
[ ]Andy from Beaverton
Wrong, wrong, wrong! Numbers are either right or wrong and this video made by Isao Hashimoto years ago still has bad data. You can look up the tables by searching for "Known Nuclear Explosions, Summary compiled by Wm. Robert Johnston last modified 29 May 2009". The final tally should be exactly 2400. A better video would be of the atmospheric explosions over this same period which was 527. I wonder if the global warming believers included those bombs in their climate models?
[ ]dk
who really care!
[ ]All this illustration shows is that the fear of the nuclear boogey man is not as great as the alarmists and pacifist weenies would have us think. Surely if it was that bad then our hair would be falling out and we'd all drop dead. The truth is that many of these bombs were small and ignited under ground in areas without ground water ect. We get far more radiation from the open nuclear reactor in the sky known of as the SUN! This video make me want nuclear reactors everywhere. F*^k if the reactor in Japan was nothing compared to this little test war and were doing just fine so as I said...nukes for everyone...this is good stuff! Weenies can hide under their beds in the fetal position quivering like the spineless panty wastes they are!!!!!
Fukushima-Daichi site contains nearly half of the total amount of Cs-137 estimated by the NCRP to have been released by all atmospheric nuclear weapons testing, Chernobyl, and world-wide reprocessing plants (~270 million curies or ~9.9 E+18 Becquerel).
Why so? Understand this pic:
And actually Alaskan Air Stewards are suffering rashes & Polar Bears are losing their hair:
[ ]http://www.naturalnews.com/035884_flight_attendants_radiation_poisoning.html
Luis Felipe
Perro esta da la de miedo, ¿Por que los poderosos son tan viles? ¿Y porque Francia? Yo admiraba a Francia Malparidos.
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