"Bad Apple!!" is a magical piece of stop-motion animation made from 6,566 still photos of printed bitmaps.
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The creator, Nico Nico Douga user "shige-ruuu," says he made the video without using photo-editing software. The images were captured with a webcam, and the effects were achieved by changing the camera position and adjusting the focus, brightness, zoom, exposure and gain.
The original stills and music come from this video for the song "Bad Apple!!" (arranged by Masayoshi Minoshima, featuring vocals by nomico) from the Touhou Project game series.
Keine's square hat is extremely arousing.
[ ]Rozarin
I think I just lost my mind
[ ]japanese phrases
That was amazing. To think of the time it must have taken to make it!
The flickering made me a little dizzy, but the video is amazing.
[ ]Sil80
Honestly, I always felt like Japanese animated programs SHOULD look like this (but don't, of course). But then, seeing the number of frames required for animation this smooth kind of explains itself.
This is amazing.
[ ]Patricia
Very clever use of silhouettes and negative space.
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