Here's a fansub of "Salaryman Man," an animated short by Takashi Taniguchi about a salaryman superhero who battles an evil villain threatening to destroy a company president.
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Here's a fansub of "Salaryman Man," an animated short by Takashi Taniguchi about a salaryman superhero who battles an evil villain threatening to destroy a company president.
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Weird, but I approve.
[ ]Pavel Holoborodko
Very nice japanese humor!
The deep bottom line is:
[ ]"The world is in your hands Salaryman Man!"
And notice that the president fell anyway. Everyone forgot about him. Interesting, and completely cracked out. Love it.
[ ]Dj
I like the explanation of "Fly salaryman".
The way of explanation amazingly catches the trend of Japanese.
" .. bending the name card like this, then, so, something great happens,
like that, like this... so ..."
I like the intentional impassive phrasing too.
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