Nihon Town, by Ken Taya --

US and Japanese consumer/pop culture icons converge in an explosion of mashup madness on the festive streets of "Nihon Town," an illustration by Ken Taya (Enfu).

Nihon Town, by Ken Taya --

Search the the high-rez version for the likes of Hello Miffy, Bossbucks Cha-fe, Astroboy-Mickey, Yebiweiser, Doraemon-Garfield, Oubei Baba (Obey Giant meets Giant Baba), and much more. Consult the detailed image index if you get lost.

Poster and print versions of the work are available at Enfu.

Nihon Town, by Ken Taya --

Also check out the Enfu Flickr stream for other awesome creations like Super Ultra Man and the yummy-sounding Ase Cola (pictured below).

Super Ultra, by Ken Taya --

Ase Cola, by Ken Taya --

[Link: Enfu]