"Musashino Plateau" and "Japan" -- a pair of 3D computer animations directed by Nobuo Takahashi -- illustrate (in dramatic fashion) how Japan's landscape changed during the postwar period of rapid economic growth. The animations begin slowly with the early postwar recovery years, but the pace quickens to a frenzy as explosive growth during the bubble years (late '80s/early '90s) transforms the cityscape into a chaotic, tightly packed jumble of single-family homes, large apartment complexes and high-rise buildings. In the end, development grinds to a halt with the collapse of the bubble.
Video 1: Musashino Plateau
Video 2: Japan
[Source: Yoshida Gakuen Joho Business]
Thats very cool^^
[ ]Tensigh
Dammit! Two more "Sorry, this video is no longer available" videos from YouTube! AARRGGHGH
[ ]Neil Duckett
Both videos are there Tensigh. Try again before they go though!
[ ]Shoovi
Tensigh: They works.
Nice videos, however that's nothing special.
[ ]Tensigh
They work now. When I tried to view them yesterday, they didn't. My bad.
[ ]Santosuke Pompadour
Coolest thing since those Crysis physics videos with barrels
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