When Osaka resident Kana Yamaguchi's neighbors cut the grass in a nearby field, a number of fleeing insects sought refuge in her flower bed. Among them was an odd pair of grasshopper-like bugs -- one pink, one white. Osaka Museum of Natural History entomologist Itaru Kanazawa identifies them as the larvae of Euconocephalus thunbergi ("kubikirigisu" in Japanese), a close relative of the katydid. While he says it is normal for these insects to change between green and brown to match their surroundings, pink and white are considered abnormal. Speculation is that the pink is an extreme variation of the brown coloration, and the white specimen is believed to be an albino, though nobody will know for sure until it becomes an adult. Regardless, says Kanazawa, "It is quite rare to find three different colors at the same time."
[Source: Asahi]
Mr Flibble (esq.)
They may be albino, but in the modern world or urban camouflage could they stand a better chance of surviving?
[ ]NPC
Haha wow. Reminds me of "Blinky" form the Simpsons.
[ ]Chauncey
Yeah it's just like Blinky. Or wait, no it's not.
[ ]sasutan
Seems to have happened before. Here are some more pink bugs.
[ ]http://bugguide.net/node/view/32354
wow, i thought they were toys! lol
[ ]david
These bugs scare me. They make me think they have magic or at least nuclear powers.
[ ]Snitz
Candy dont grow on trees,lol.
[ ]lizriz
I saw a bright pink lizard once in Virginia. I thought maybe he'd been on a toy in the yard and turned pink to blend.
[ ]Steamy Kitchen
Now that is pretty freaky. I don't know what I'd do if one landed in my food!
[ ]Veery
Wow! That is so neat!
[ ]Katie
hey it has my name! I like the pink one! :) only held a green one though
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