It takes only a few minutes to down a soft drink, but the plastic bottle it comes in is designed to last for centuries. In the eyes of Kosuke Tsumura, designer for the Final Home brand of urban survival clothing and accessories, the durability and abundance of PET plastic bottles makes them an ideal material for clothing...and armor. At the request of the world's largest cola cartel, Tsumura made this suit of armor by slicing up PET bottles and sewing the pieces together with transparent nylon thread. The armor may not hold up well in combat, but it looks cool as hell and it won't biodegrade until long after you are gone.
[Link: Tsumura-Room]
I'm now waiting patiently for some avant garde French director to use this in his next science fiction action movie.
The fact that the designer works for a brand of urban survival clothing and the mention of armour set off an interesting connection in my head. This suddenly reminded me of the story and the armour of Ned Kelly. If you can have special armour for bank robbery, I'm sure special armour for getting a seat on the subway or hailing a cab, can't be too far fetched. ;)
[ ]paul
wow, that must have taken a heck of a long time to make! but it really does look cool. that prior link for Kelly Armour was interesting too.
[ ]jacobo
dangg, thats awesome, im gonna make that and wear it into a battle to see what'll happen!
[ ]carrie21
Looks amazing....
[ ]Tango
ahhhhhhmmmmm.......... this armor won't bring success to the army huh???
[ ]rlwieneke
Some hidden blue or red led lights under different parts of the costume would really light it up in the dark.
[ ]lidds drew
that is amazing i hope you can make more. i go to a school for the specially talented in arts called CAPA i can only wait until we get to do something like that. its to amazing to describe.
[ ]lidds drew
your art is amazing i hope to see more and that i will get to do something like that in school. (p.s. i go to CAPA 6-12)
[ ]lidds drew
your art is amazing i hope to see more and that i will get to do something like that in school. (p.s. i go to CAPA 6-12) YAY
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