Here are ten time-lapse videos shot in Tokyo...

1. 35 years of Shinjuku construction: 1969 to 2004 in 10 seconds.

2. Roppongi Hills construction: April 2001 to July 2003 in 35 seconds. (Watch the slower version here.)

3. Yamanote Tour: Circle the Yamanote Line in under 4 minutes. (Watch the slower version here.)

4. Lightning Tokyo: Electrical storm strikes Higashiyama, Tokyo.

5. Tokyo En Lapse: Quirky moonwalking, Yamanote Line footage, and a great sunset.

6. Stop Go Tokyo: The granddaddy of Tokyo time-lapse videos on YouTube. Awesome.

7. Tokyo Skyline: Cool time-lapse footage for the first minute.

8. Timelapse Video From Around The World: The Tokyo scenes begin at 1:47.

9. Tokyo 24-Hour Timelapse: 24 hours of webcam footage shot from a high-rise apartment near the Sumida River.

10. Turbulence -- Stop Motion Series (via Grow-a-Brain): Tons of stop-motion photo animations that explore the body language of Tokyo train passengers.