RFID keeps getting smaller. On February 13, Hitachi unveiled a tiny, new "powder" type RFID chip measuring 0.05 x 0.05 mm -- the smallest yet -- which they aim to begin marketing in 2 to 3 years.
Hitachi's new RFID chips (left, next to a human hair) are 64x smaller than their mu-chips (right)
By relying on semiconductor miniaturization technology and using electron beams to write data on the chip substrates, Hitachi was able to create RFID chips 64 times smaller than their currently available 0.4 x 0.4 mm mu-chips. Like mu-chips, which have been used as an anti-counterfeit measure in admission tickets, the new chips have a 128-bit ROM for storing a unique 38-digit ID number.
The new chips are also 9 times smaller than the prototype chips Hitachi unveiled last year, which measure 0.15 x 0.15 mm.
At 5 microns thick, the RFID chips can more easily be embedded in sheets of paper, meaning they can be used in paper currency, gift certificates and identification. But since existing tags are already small enough to embed in paper, it leads one to wonder what new applications the developers have in mind.
[Source: Fuji Sankei]
it will probably be used to track citizens so that they more easily can be oppressed.
[ ]Linked
The biggest surveillance op on the globe is Google assistant which is on so many people's phones. There's a constant campaign to white knight Google asst by attacking all other things that are only similar at the surface similar to how the tech media pretend fast and furious updates are a great feature only available to the pixel (nexus). Fast and frequent updates are how they shuffle their black boxed Spyware so it took 4 years to prove they have been tracking people with their "enhanced location services" to use people to cross hash wifi hot spots with GPS coordinates. That way alpha Bet can track where you are by simply using your wifi even with your location services off, store the data log and upload when your phone is charging at night.
Knowing all this it's obvious THAT'S what you should be concerned with yet Google and fb, along with musk all have reps on the board of ABC and they control what's curated or "trending" as news while suppressing actual news.
There's a reason why every galaxy watch 4 YouTube video pretends as if everyone wants to get rid of and replace Bixby with Google assistant while hyping up Google assistant as being so smart in its data mining while pretending siri and Bixby is the same but just apparently not as good at data mining even though siri clearly could have, was released earlier and have a user base that would be much easier to create a surveillance grid with but they simply didn't try.
The war is between big data and big tech. Samsung Apple and even blackberry which uses Samsungs Knox they donated to aosp (which Google cloned and crippled into android for work)
Samsung apple and bb are incentivised to sell security tools and thus they can attain nsa certification and the various parallel high clearance certifications across the globe. Google would love to have their cake and the eat it too but their incentive is to be the biggest Spyware company on the planet and keep monopolizing everything with their ai tech. This all their offerings are the excuses to spy.
Look at how the features apple and Samsung spend r and d dollars to produce are honest straight forward things like pro audio, the s pen etc. Google only has to barely keep up and every time they decide to copy Samsung they accuse Samsung's purer feature set as a "copy" even when they are always 5 years ahead. Rememeber how Bixby was attacked for having a dedicated button? That button was for security purposes so with voice activation off you know when Bixby is listening since it can only listen for as long as the 3 state button is held, upon release it stops listening and runs the command.
Google assistant once the pixel was rushed out after the attack on Bixby and the note 7 which had a lower average exploding rate than most other top tier phones and a much lower case report per capita than Tesla.
The pixel used HTC's squeeze command to activate Google assistant. Notice how the tech media didn't give it the same treatment as the Bixby button even though Google assistant once triggerred only begins to run the command after it hears a silence but will continue to listen at its own discretion which was spun as a feature that in their words "could tell you what songs you heard all day"
If you're concerned with Big Brother you should be anti ABC and their manipulation of the media. Fb literally hosted groups who coordinate the attack on the capitol. Notice how that's perfectly fiiiine.....
It's what's not reported that's typically what really matters when mission creep is your agenda.
[ ]BuddaMagoo
They'll put them in your food so they can track the color of your shit.
[ ]Mike
[ ]rfukdat
Doubtless I will want to have entire suites made with this "Pwder" each rfid having a unique ID. Perhaps by having all of the ID's possible, just to screw with the sensors...
[ ]STP
Great idea. If used in money, any pickpocket with a tag reader can know how much cash you're carrying in your wallet.
[ ]Bob
In order to have all ID's possible, you'd need 2^128th of them,
or 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,770,000,000 of them, which is roughly equivalent to the number of grains of sand on 34 million million Earths.
Good luck with that!
[ ]Victor
Or maybe just a powerful computer made with lots of really tiny, powerful chips?
New tech like this has amazing potential uses - think of what it could do for medicine, pollution control, portability, etc. But it's sold to governments to control their populations, or to the corporations that governments outsource their control work to. In other words, it's not about what the chips can do: it's who has the money and power to use them.
[ ]Bryce London
Oh cool, The Mark of The Beast.
[ ]yesman
haha seriously..
[ ]rfukdat
In a suit, you are correct I would be unable to actually carry all the ID's at once. Actually I would Imagine I could use a random dispersion of them, btree style, and quite probably hit enough correct #'s to randomly trigger readers everywhere, not to mention the pure havoc of having that many RFID tags attempt to be read at any given time. If nothing else it is camouflage. ;) Lord knows what you could do with a good sized shopping cart or a couple of transmitters and a step sequencer. Crazy RFID manufacturers!
[ ]a random John
Big whoop. The size of the chip isn't a very big deal compared to the size of the antenna which needs to be connected to the thing. These chips are useless without the antenna which is HUGE relative to the chip. Nobody is going to sprinkle this on your Big Mac.
[ ]Tom
Perhaps, but antennas can be super thin, so these could be embedded in sheets of paper among other things
[ ]fog
A paper describing these chips was presented at ISSCC 2007 on Feb. 14 in San Francisco. Here's an abstract of what was submitted (PDF):
A 0.05×0.05mm2 RFID Chip with Easily Scaled-Down ID-Memory
M. Usami1, H. Tanabe1, A. Sato1, I. Sakama1, Y. Maki2, T. Iwamatsu2, T. Ipposhi2, Y. Inoue2
1Hitachi, Tokyo, Japan
2Renesas Technology, Hyogo, Japan
An ultra-small RFID chip uses an electron beam for writing 1T memory cells. A 90nm SOI CMOS process and double-surface electrode chip structures enable the design of 0.05×0.05mm2 and 5µm-thick RFID chips with small, low-cost and highly-reliable 128b ID-memory. The chip is verified at a carrier frequency of 2.45GHz with measured communication distance of 300mm.
Doesn't say anything about the antennas, but if they are like the Mu-Chips, they use external antennas that are much larger than the chips...
[ ]limers
Gah! What if I end up inhaling lots of these?!?!
[ ]Hello
You already have. Go Here! http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=smart+dust+is+already+in+our+environment&aq=2
[ ]me
Wow, i didnt think that I would actually live to see the mark of the beast appear. But hmmm, guess I did. Kinda same thing as http://www.verichipcorp.com
[ ]neatoooo, i am positive this will not affect me as i will not get it..
Jose Brox
And where is the actual source for this news? I can't find these chips on hitachi news and the rest of the sites that mention it trackback to here.
[ ]Me
This is so out of date. This chip was the typcial Japanese attempt to come up with their own standard and blow off the rest of the world.
Some facts
- ALL the new generations of RFID chips are tiny
- You can't possibly make money with electron beam writing on chips that have to sell for about a nickle (just the silicon). RFID tags of this class cost about 20 cents, and most of that is the package and the antenna
- The small size becomes self defeating at some point - you still have to saw the wafer, and at some point, all you have is saw lanes (yes, I know you can cut the wafer with a laser)
- The size of the chip has nothing to do with the tag - you still have to have an antenna - at least the size of a dime for this class of chip, unless you are willing to read it from only an inch away (some really small tags can't even read at an inch)/
- The reason you can't find this on the company's web site may have something to do with the fact that no serious customer wants to buy a tag that is not compliant to open standards.
[ ]using my brain
antennas? we are made up of water... we are conductors... we are the antenna! notice how on old tv ears, the reception gets better when you grab the antenna?
[ ]Luca
Whoa. Final achievement for BigBro.
[ ]Anyway, for those concerned with the Mark of the Beast, I'd like to underline that there is already people who is willingly letting the bigger, rice-of-grain-sized VeriChips (http://www.verichipcorp.com/) be implanted under their skin, as a required membership proof or as a wallet substitute to load credit to, in pubs, clubs, ski resorts and such, all around the world.
But in the end, nor the Beast, nor Angels themselves are allowed to bypass our freedom of choice. Both know it, and like it or not, both are needing our knowingly consent to operate for us.
It is all about Choice.
thats just fucked up really, ALL SEEING EYE
[ ]Pirate_Rosey
I'm not worried about this being the mark of the Beast . . . yet. The anti-christ has to come to power over most of the world first, and only then can this technology be implemented and forced on people. The mere fact that this technology has appeared shows that we are not far from seeing the anti-christ himself and then we will be at the time of the end. I suggest we all find out what Jesus said in the Bible before we get deceived into the lies the anti-christ will tell us. Bring it on!! I'm ready for the end & Jesus' return!!!
[ ]Gautam
It is believed to be the smallest RFID chips but I have heard that some companies in Japan are even planning to come up with RFID chips smaller than one developed by Hitachi
[ ]futuristic gadgets
Every company will put that in their employee's body, to make sure they don't go any competitors.
[ ]deadmanswalk
i believe i have been implanted with some by my devil dentist.
[ ]coach brice Williams
666 mark of the beast here we come
Unless you want a ticket to hell, DO NOT TAKE THIS CHIP!!!!
I don't care what you believe, you can't prove your belief so don't gamble your eternity.
Pastor - Coach Brice Williams
[ ]Dont Worry About it!
I cant belive what some of you people are saying its a good idea? Are you out of you fucking MIND?! Do you have any idea what RFID is? Better learn your facts. Imagine the government knowing your every move...where you are, what your doing, what your saying, what you bought today, where you have been, how much time you spent, when you sleep, when your awake, when you use the facilities, ECT, ECT...... Get the picture? We Americans have to take the US GOV Down and stop this control and manipulation.... go onto google and search "freedom to facsism" by aaron russo... Watch that film.... YOU WONT BELIVE YOUR EYES!!!
[ ]FoxyTigresss
FLU SHOTS. They are definitely putting this in flu shots. Contact me for more info: t i g r e s s @ g m a i l . c o m
[ ]Make Big Bucks Online with Small Fish Big Money
RFID getting smaller means that databases at spy centres are getting bigger! hehe
RFID is a great technology, but also a highly dangerous technology.
Thanks for the great post,
Kind Regards,
[ ]Fabien
they want us tracked, and and accounted for now we really know how it feels to be cattle! its time to take action we the people need to stop the coruption and limit this government!
[ ]rfid! no thanx barcode the boxes,not people,animals,convicts,elderly!no!NO!no!NWO!
This should clear up anything about the mark of the beast....and it will hopefully open the eyes of the world. We need to come together and fight for our rights to be free beings. No one has the right to rule our actions. There are way too many "beneficial" reasons for RFID that we have been given, and i hope beyond all hope that people will use their intelligent minds to refuse this kind of domination over us.
[ ]replymaster (canada jonathan)
i like the one where they gonna put it in your food and track the colour of ur shit..priceless...marketing on another note
[ ]why
what is this country coming to we are having our every move being watched on camera our cloths being tapped with these chips.
[ ]Albert
Wow, that is really a powerful authority that these chips will play in. There will be a huge converse on this topic.
[ ]sidney
Well here we go now they already have chips in the new passports.
[ ]This is so tiny it could be put into food.
It could be implanted in to our children when born.
But,could and would are the ?'s that will not be answered.
Seriously this world is becoming more scary every day.
The chips won't need onboard antennas. The antennas will be placed in door ways to retail stores, Government buildings and other places. The antennas will be embedded in your clothing, your car, all retail and business products. Why do you think retail stores have you used to walking through electronic sensors in their shops, for fun? They data mine you now. Soon they'll identify you just by driving by the place of business, the Government business. They go on and on about the size of the chips to distract you from the fact you have been chipped, tracked and tagged for the last thirty-forty years. They don't tell you the technology till its been done, in secret, for ages. Whatever they tell you now in public is so outdated to what the military has. Damn, wake up, its time to rise and shine people
[ ]friend
my friend you do see!!!!!!!!
[ ]Radley
Wow - amazing stuff but worrying too - they will be tracking us everywhere we go !
[ ]Chickenwing
Those chips are already everywhere. End of the world is coming
[ ]Awake
We have all been watched, Loged, and stored, for over 12 years
[ ]at least.Your program knows you ,better than you know yourself.
The beast never forgets. ENYTHING! And can / does predict your
thoughts better than you ever will. 86 % accuracy with low I.Q.,
94 with high I.Q. All seeing, All knowing, Is the beast.
wow..that's extremely small!
[ ]LuLu Lemurian
Well let's say for instance that you have a person sitting in front of you with one of these already implanted in them.....
How would one go about blocking any signals being sent to them or how would they go about removing it from their persons?
Any suggestions?
[ ]terrified
This is the sort of terrifying look into the future that makes me glad I was born in 1961.
[ ]friend
if you know christ start praying
[ ]Dude
wow. ur a bright bunch. chriStfags, and idiots who barely see what they're typing, for their Ugly tinfoil hats. there Is always one thing you Can do to avoId being controlleD by the government, the men in black or aliEns in disguise.
figure it out.
[ ]Bobby
I got bad news for you all. The chip is already being used. Dropped from aircraft, put in airconditioning systems. Injected in to your apartment through elictrical conduit pipes. Through ventlation vents. How ever they can get it on you. They love to get it in your hair your clothing. I've seen it on me. Looks alot like dandruff. Yes i'm targeted. They no where i am at all times.
[ ]Brian L.
Are you people serious? You sound like a bunch of paranoid schizophrenics or, worse, bible thumping religious idiots who believe that every animal species in the world, at one time, lived within walking distance of Noah's ark!
Privacy has been in decline in direct relation to emerging technology for years, and there is little doubt that the government is tracking information about private citizens without their knowledge or consent, but you seem to think that you have a choice in this. It's been going on for years, and isn't part of some 'New world order' in which we are cattle, but rather one in which we go about our lives as something equally ignorant but infinitely more happy: 'Consumers'
RFID is not some government conspiracy uncovered, but rather a new technology that will be promoted and embraced by Business (capitalism at it's finest), and as a sad side effect may have applications for impinging on civil liberties. Like splitting the atom (which was a lot more dangerous and controversial IMO) science and technology move on without the burden of concern for how these advances will be used. The application of atomic theory has led to many useful social advances. You have to take the good with the bad. RFID, if useful and profitable, will get used.
Get used to it.
[ ]Not Your Daughters Jeans
While I am all for advances in technology, I am not so sure about the miniaturization of RFID tech. I know that it is invaluable in managing supply chains, and I can see how that would benefit manufacturers, but I also have concerns about how the tech could be used to track folks at unawares.
[ ]The end .
DNA tracking, genotyping AND the power of incredibly small micro-chops that could easily be implanted into you without your consent .....= CONTROL YOU.... or at least it's one giant step toward it ...
Am I the only one who see's how scary the two technologies if combined in the WRONG way could be ??
Buh Bye World - Hello matrix ....
[ ]Adam
Now the question must be - how small can they go?is there a limit?
[ ]Edge
Yea, this could be really powerful in both good and bad ways. I do think there is a limit to how small they can go though.
[ ]HD Movie
I was looking info regarding this issue and finally end up on your blog...thanks for the great post
[ ]katoomer
Yea, I'll give them a call and tell them how ignorant they are because they forgot these super small chips are useless without a huge antenna. Daaaaaaa We have some real winners here.
[ ]husky
Why wont my comment work!
[ ]philipp thurner
I have to ask, is there a certain Limit for their size?
[ ]