Archives: 2006

Robot cats seeking new homes

25 Sep 2006

Yume-Neko Smile --

Stacks of boxed feline robots manufactured by Sega Toys, called Yume-Neko Smile ("Dream Cat Smile"), await their fate on the shelves of Tokyo toy shops. While the cats bide their time staring listlessly through the clear plastic windows of their temporary dwellings, Sega Toys steps up its efforts to find homes for them with a new TV commercial.

According to the Yume-Neko Smile homepage, the cuddly robot makes a suitable alternative for anyone unable to keep a real cat. Five sensors at different locations on Yume-Neko's body allow you and the cat to engage in tactile communication. Pet Yume-Neko Smile on the head and it starts purring and flicking its tail around. Stroke its back and it starts to get sleepy. Yume-Neko also likes it when you touch its cheek, and it apparently enjoys being flipped over on its back to have its chest stroked. The cat gets mad when you touch its tail, though, so be careful!

[Link: Yume-Neko Smile homepage]

(See also -- Video: Yume-Neko Smile, Part II)

Monsters gather in Tokyo, get X-rayed

22 Sep 2006

Monsters invade Tokyo --

This October, Japan's National Science Museum (Ueno, Tokyo) will host an exhibit of monster-related cultural artifacts, including the mummies of a mermaid and tengu (long-nosed goblin), as well as a selection of items documenting other traditional Japanese monsters like the kappa.

Scheduled to run from October 17 to November 12, the exhibit will feature about 100 historical items concerning legendary beasts and apparitions (yokai) from the Edo period to the present day. The exhibit is organized by the National Science Museum and the Ikimono Bunkashi Gakkai, whose members include Imperial Prince Akishinomiya.

On September 19, experts armed with state-of-the-art equipment began taking X-rays of the mummified tengu and mermaid, which belong to the Hachinohe City Museum in Aomori prefecture. The specimens, both of which are about 30 centimeters long, are commonly believed to be artistic creations made sometime during the first half of the 19th century. The tengu is believed to be an elaborate sculpture whose materials include paper, the head of a monkey and the body of a bird. The mermaid, also regarded as a sculptural work, is believed to consist of a wooden upper body attached to the tail of an actual fish.

The exhibit will feature the X-rays of both creatures.

[Source: Kyodo via Weekly Teinou Bee Woman]

Intelligent wheelchair sees all

21 Sep 2006

SOS: Stereo Omnidirectional System --

On September 20, Japan's National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) unveiled an intelligent wheelchair that relies on an omnidirectional camera for a view of its surroundings, avoids collisions with people and obstacles, and knows when something is wrong with the chair's occupant. Developed with the cooperation of the National Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities, the new technology is expected to improve the safety and security of electric wheelchairs for the disabled and elderly.

While the increased prevalence of electric wheelchairs has improved the mobility of persons with serious disabilities, they have also resulted in an increased number of collisions and accidents. To boost wheelchair safety, AIST engineers incorporated elements of intelligent automotive systems, which are capable of calculating the risk of collisions before they happen and automatically applying the brakes when necessary.

The prototype wheelchair is equipped with a camera system -- interestingly dubbed Stereo Omnidirectional System (SOS) -- whose 360-degree field of vision has no blind spot. Relying on the camera images, the chair detects potential hazards that arise while in motion and decelerates or stops accordingly. The chair also checks the occupant for signs of abnormality (unusual posture) and is equipped with a function that allows the occupant to control the chair by gesturing (pointing). Check out the AIST press release for videos of the chair in action.

The wheelchair is currently equipped with a function for transmitting the camera's color video via wireless LAN, and AIST is investigating the possibility of enabling the video to be delivered via cellular phone and providing support for remote-control functions. AIST will soon subject the prototype to rigorous testing and continue upgrading the functions.

This intelligent wheelchair technology will be demonstrated at the 2006 Home Care and Rehabilitation Exhibition scheduled for September 27 to 29 in Tokyo.

[Sources: MYCOM Journal and AIST press release]

Video: Master pen-twirlers of Japan

20 Sep 2006

As industrialized nations evolve into efficient paperless societies, their citizens spend ever-decreasing amounts of time with pen in hand. An unfortunate side effect of this trend is the gradual disappearance of the refined art of pen-twirling. The future of this art form is now lies precariously in the hands of our youth, whose daily school routines still afford them ample opportunity to grapple with these writing instruments. I invite you to let go of your mouse for a moment and feast your eyes on this video treat produced by a small band of master pen-twirlers from Japan.

Robot beauty goes skin-deep

19 Sep 2006

Honey Doll --

In a move that could provide a crucial boost to our robotic friends struggling up the near side of the Uncanny Valley, major cosmetics manufacturer Kao Corporation and a Keio University research team led by robotics professor Takashi Maeno have developed an artificial skin that feels just like human skin.

Skin, the largest organ of the human body, consists of a soft layer of tissue (dermis) covered by a tougher protective layer (epidermis). The artificial skin developed by Kao and Keio mimics the feel of human skin with a 1-cm thick "dermis" of elastic silicone covered by a 0.2-mm thick "epidermis" of firm urethane. Countless tiny hexagonal indentations etched into the urethane epidermis provide it with a very realistic texture.

In a series of unscientific tests, 10 out of 12 people who touched the skin thought it felt like human skin, while equipment designed to measure the mechanical properties of skin confirmed the artificial skin had characteristics resembling human skin.

The skin was unveiled earlier this month at the 24th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan (RSJ) at Okayama University. While Kao plans to use the artificial skin in the development of new cosmetics, Professor Maeno sees potential applications in the field of household robotics, where there are many opportunities for human-robot interaction.

[Source: Yomiuri Shimbun]

Video of crazy Kodak moments from Japan

16 Sep 2006

Here's a downright hilarious (either that, or I've been in Japan too long!) video slideshow of crazy photos, mostly from Japan. The soundtrack is Kotoba Ni Dekinai (meaning "speechless") by Off Course (Kazumasa Oda, the vocalist, is a famous Japanese singer-songwriter who's been around since the late 60s).

For a few of these photos, the humor lies in the language. Here is an explanation of some the Japanese, just in case.

- Sign on fish truck: I am a fish -- Yesterday I was in the ocean -- Today I am fish sausage
- Expert crime analyst on TV: The perpetrator was in his 20s or 30s, or in his 40s or 50s
- Mispellings: Hitsumabushi (grilled eel on rice) misspelled as himatsubushi (killing/wasting time)
- Misspelled label: Chicken cutlet with nurse (nasu = eggplant, naasu = nurse)
- Food package labeled as "store manager" (tencho)
- Instant yakisoba in sink (presumably dropped while trying to drain the hot water through the little drain holes in the lid -- not an uncommon occurrence)
- Doraemon statue surrounded by signs warning against the presence of sexual deviants and molesters
- Windows Task Manager showing each family member's IE Explorer status -- grandpa is the only one having technical problems
- TV broadcast freezes on woman in mid-blink. Message at top of screen advises viewers to stand by while the station resolves the technical difficulties
- Train station sign: Japan has ended (the kanji for nihon (Japan) should be reversed to say honjitsu (today), so the sign should instead read "[train service has] ended for the day")

[Via: Zaeega]

Schadaraparr video: “Disco System”

15 Sep 2006

Schadaraparr, who were instrumental in popularizing hip hop in Japan in the early 90s, appear as the components of a Rube Goldberg machine in the music video for their new single "Disco System."

UPDATE: This post at "GilCrows Image Research Lab" points out the Schadaraparr video's striking resemblance to an advertisement for 118 118, the UK directory inquiries provider -- which is said to be a parody of this Honda accord commercial. That would make the Schadaraparr video an imitation of a parody of a commercial. Cool.

Watch the 118 118 commercial on YouTube (and check out all the 118 118 videos at The 118 118 Experience).

Fujitsu develops “invisible” barcode

15 Sep 2006

FP Code -- On September 13, Fujitsu unveiled a new type of "invisible" barcode, called FP (Fine Picture) code, which allows data to be embedded directly into color print photographs. FP code consists of a series of faint yellow lines -- said to be invisible to the naked eye -- which are overlaid on the photograph during the printing process. Once encoded, a photograph can retain its original quality while serving as an "object hyperlink" to websites that users can access via mobile phone.

To use FP code, users must first download special free software to their camera-equipped phone. Then, when the camera is used to take a picture of an encoded photograph, the code is sent to a server where it is converted into URL data, which is used to connect the user's mobile phone to the corresponding website. Text, video and audio content can then be delivered directly to the user's phone.

The first examples of FP code will reportedly begin to appear in Japanese catalogs and magazine advertisements as early as October. If FP code is what Fujitsu claims it is, we may soon bear witness to the disappearance of unsightly barcodes and QR code (2D code) from print material.

One thing, though. If FP code is invisible, how will anyone know where to point their camera?

[Sources: Asahi Shimbun and Fujitsu press release]

Robot pony: Sega’s new dream pet

14 Sep 2006

Dream Pony from Sega Toys Dreaming of owning a pony, but anxious about taking on the necessary responsibilities? Fret no more, there's an alternative. By the end of the year, Sega Toys will begin selling a life-sized robotic pony.

The 1.2-meter tall, battery-operated Dream Pony (Yume-Kouma) is outfitted with sensors that enable it to react to its environment. Pet the pony's neck and back and it shakes it head and moves its ears and tail in appreciation, just like the real deal. Dream Pony also responds to audio and visual stimuli with a whole repetoire of reactions -- including an anxious-sounding whinny when the room becomes dark and a jerk of the head in response to a sudden loud noise. Dream Pony also comes with a plastic carrot that it attempts to eat when held in front of its face.

Unfortunately, though, Dream Pony lacks the appeal of a real pony primarily because its legs do not move. (Come on, what do you expect for 68,000 yen/$US600?) No moving legs means no joyrides through the hood, so you can cross it off your list of alternative modes of transportation. But as long as you weigh less than 36 kg (80 lb), the pony should be strong enough to support your weight.

Dream Pony, whose sales are expected to reach 10,000 units per year, is the latest beast in Sega's Dream Pet (Yume-Petto) series of virtual pets, 800,000 of which have been sold to date. Another of Sega's recent mechanical pets is the popular Dream Cat Smile (Yume-Neko Sumairu), previously known as Near Me (Nyaa Mii is a Japanese play on words mimicking the sound a cat makes). There is a fantastic video (.wmv) on the Near Me homepage (near the bottom) that is worth a look. Another video of Dream Cat Smile can be found on YouTube here. The fluffy white feline is priced at just over 8,000 yen (US$70).

Sega Toys has made significant progress in carving out a market for alternative pets for families unable to keep real animals, and the company is now developing virtual dogs and birds to capitalize on the rising demand for "healing" pet robots. Blade Runner, here we come.

[Source: Fuji Sankei]